Sick hen ( Silkie)


In the Brooder
11 Years
Dec 26, 2008
Pensacola FL
She has had dark green poops. Sometimes they are runny and look liek spinach. Other times they wre more solid, but dark and shiny, almost black... She pants andhold her wings out a bit, like she is too hot. She also today, ahd a crop FULL of water. too much I believe! I brought her in in case it was overheating.

Coudl it be an illness? I noticed the dirty butt yesterday too. She has always panted more than the other two. She seems to have thicker fluff though. She is bearded, tophatted, and white in color. The other two are tophatted and the roo is bearded. I don't know. Is she too hot? could it be parasites or illness?

SHe's still swallowing alot, like she drank too much water. She ate some food inside, a little... SHe's more cxurious and nervous about eing away from her flock mates I think...But she isn't overly stressed. She also FELT hot to me when I brought her inside.

She and the other two roam the yard in the day, and are put in a coop at night. They lay on pine straw. I never could get them to roost on a perch. Maybve they might with summer being here... There are two little add on coops that are attached to the sleeping coop. The sleeping coop is off the ground... The add on coops are on teh ground. One gets partial sun, teh other one is shaded. The sleeping coop getrs morning sun and is shaded by 11 am. The chickens spend their days mostly under the orange tree where there is lots of shade. There is fresh water for them at all times... I change their coop water in teh mornings and evenings. The water under the tree is changed in teh mornings...

They eat laying crumbles, and also bugs and grass and weeds, etc... I toss out bread for them too,or cooked veggies. If they dont' eat them I remove them right away.

One of the add on coops is slow to dry out after rains. They don't stay in it though. It's strictly a just in case for if I have to go somewhere and they might be in danger. It is a cooler area and shady.

So she pants more than the other hen. SHe takes longer to lay an egg. Oh yeah, she skipped laying yesterday and layed today. She is still new at it. SHe is about 8 or 9 months old.

Any ieas?
Usually runny green poo means she's not digesting food.
Try some natural unflavored yoghurt and some poultry vitamins couldn't hurt. Check for mites & worms.

Other than that, she may just be hot/dehydrated. The fact that she is still laying is a good sign.
She is better today. I think she got overheated, or maybe she had difficulty laying her egg yesterday. She's fine today, eating, etc... Her poop looks much better! She layed her egg today. Dollie took it. Dollie has gone broody all of a sudden!

I got yogurt and also electrolytes for the water in case it's needed. I also got new food, in case her food was a bad batch or something... She coul dhave eaten something that didn't agree with her as well. I know chickens have tough tummies, but you never know. I'm glad she is acting like she feels much better. She and Roo were scratching the grass, they took a dirt bath, and did normal chicken stuff.... No mites. I'll keep my eye on her lots. It may be she doens't tolerate heat like the other two. Those chickesn get out in the sun at midday to take their sun bath. THat could be why she overheated. I noticed today she didn't take as long a sun bath and she and Roo stayed in the shady parts of the yard.

Thanks so much for answering!

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