Sick hen w/abdominal mass, vet drew fluid, gave meds but no response


5 Years
May 31, 2016
I have a 3 yr old bantam hen who laid eggs like crazy for the first year, then suddenly stopped - she had no illness so I just accepted it. Last July she started acting lethargic, had diarrhea, was standing away from flock but still ate and drank. I posted about her treatment/recovery at the time. (Recap: vet prescribed Amox/Clav, within 3 days she was acting fine, I gave her the full 2 week dose, she recovered.) Around Xmas same symptoms came back - crappy Mass. weather did not help. I gave her fishmox, twice a day for a week - she was fine. I did not follow through for 2 weeks because of the holidays, people came to stay with us (I keep her in the house while treating her), way too busy, etc. Well, she is sick again - last Thursday I brought her to an exotic pet specialist who saved my Rhode I Red 2 yrs back. Exam showed: heart & lungs sound great, no discharge or respiratory problems, crop felt fine, weight normal, abdomen swollen. She drew abdominal fluid - all clear, which she said was a good sign, an ultrasound showed a mass but she said it was NOT a tumor. She said it was reproductive, and could become a chronic condition or she could completely recover. She put her on Clavamox and Metacam for 2 weeks and said she wanted to see her right after. Problem is, she is not responding after 6 days. She still looks the same - head down, eyes closed, puffed up, like she is cold, runny stools - still eating and drinking, though. I kept her inside, she hates it,(watches the flock through the door and whines!) so I put her in the coop last night with a little heat lamp over her box to keep her warm. She is happiest with her flock. If it were not so cold, I would let her free range - she perks up when outside. I feel like I am losing her and wondering if maybe she has a resistance to the clavamox now. I have penicillan and Baytril. Should I switch meds? I also tried yogurt in small doses in case her stomach was getting messed up. Any other suggestions? Her runny stools are green and yellow - sometimes green and clear fluid.
If I had Baytril I would try that, or call the vet back. Dosage of the 10% is 0.05ml per pound twice a day for 5 days. Since this is ongoing and the third time she has been symptomatic, it may or may not help. Reproductive problems are just a fact with older chickens, but so sad when we lose one.
Funny you should mention that. I told the vet I had Penicillin and Baytril - whereupon she said - Baytril? Where did you get that? It is illegal to give that to a meat animal. I said - I am not eating her and she no longer lays eggs. She replied - It is still illegal to give it to a chicken - they are considered meat animals. So I dropped the conversation - but, I was wondering if it would help. I have the 10% solution - she is 2 1/2 lbs - so roughly .12ml twice a day? I also have calcium glubionate liquid from another chicken vet - will that help at all. At this point, I am willing to try anything.
Scratch that - I just read that you shouldn't give any calcium with Baytril.
Baytril is used in many other countries on chickens. It is still used on other animals here. It is illegal for vets to prescribe it for laying hens and meat birds due to FDA laws, but many quietly do prescribe it for reproductive disorders if the person is not going to eat the eggs or the meat.
Here is an update re my sick bantam hen who was not responding to Clavamox. I started her on Baytril - and she rallied for about 4 days before I went in for a follow-up with my vet. My vet, who will not prescribe Baytril for chickens, was wonderful about my change - she said she was all for an owner taking charge to try and save their pet. The vet said she looked better and, upon examining her, found the mass inside her was gone! She immediately realized it was NOT a reproductive issue, as originally thought, and asked for a fecal sample. I had one when I visited 2 weeks earlier but it costs $50 to do it and the vet felt it was a waste of my money at the time. I sent one in yesterday but we have to wait all weekend for the results - meanwhile my baby is bad - I think now it is E.coli and it is probably too late to treat. Her crop is only partially empty in the am. She ate very little yesterday. I thought she was going to die last night. This morning I got her sav-a-chick probiotics, mixed them in water and forced several droppers into her. She ate sporadically throughout the day. She spends most of her time with her head tucked, sleeping. Should I keep her on the Baytril? The vet said I could still give her Metacam with Baytril - to keep her comfortable. She also said to just feed her layer grain - nothing else, but she won't eat it. The only thing she will eat with any enthusiasm is shredded cheese. Mealworms don't excite her anymore. I can't help but think her crop is a mess because of the antibiotics. I am so angry at myself for not putting that fecal sample in sooner.
I have a sick chicken now who I am feeding twice a day, since she cannot get to her food and water. I start with a small bowl of chicken feed with a lot of water and a small spoonful of plain yogurt with live cultures for probitocs. On alternate days I use cottage cheese. Once a day she gets an ounce of Friskies canned cat food pate, and a scrambled chopped egg. Eveything gets water added since she won’t drink water. Tube feeding is also something easy to learn if you have the time to do it.

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