Sick Hen



Feb 10, 2016
Hello all! My leghorn hen is 2.5 years old has been an excellent layer and super healthy sweet girl! This morning she didn't come out of the coop with the rest of the ladies, upon checking on her I found her standing still in the corner with egg all over her( I have a few hens who have started eating their eggs:() her comb is drooping way down over her eye and half of it is bluish purple. I brought her in and gave her a bath to get the egg off as she was looking very uncomfortable and sticky! After her bath I dried her and wrapped her in a towel. Since then she has done nothing but sleep all day. She hasn't even tried to get up :( no scratching, I did get her to eat a little and drink some water but nothing significant. This evening she is still inside laying down and now she is panting. If I hold her up to my ear I can hear her pant. Also I picked her up to check her out and white liquid (poop?/pee?) just drained from her. She is my sweetest baby please help me to know what I should do as I am at a loss and am so worried. The rest of the flock seems to be fine. Thank you for your help!!
Thank you so much! She is just laying there, it's so very sad. I appreciate any advice you can give and am thankful for your quick response!
I'm not sure that the blue tips on her comb are the biggest issue I think it's more the heavy breathing and lethargy. She literally has not moved all day. Could it be an infection? She was fine yesterday this came On so suddenly. If it is heart failure is there something I can do for this or is that a death sentence? Thanks to all who have info❤️
I'm not sure that the blue tips on her comb are the biggest issue I think it's more the heavy breathing and lethargy. She literally has not moved all day. Could it be an infection? She was fine yesterday this came On so suddenly. If it is heart failure is there something I can do for this or is that a death sentence? Thanks to all who have info❤️
Did you read the link? It lists heavy breathing as a symptom.

I doubt there's anything you can do.... I'm not experienced with heart issues in chickens but all except one of the cases I've read about died, and that one was on many medications which are NOT cheap.

Yes, I did Read the link. Thank you so much for taking the time to for me! I guess the reason I am asking about other issues is because I keep finding things like this...
That make me think there is more I should be doing for her I have never delt with anything like this in my flock so I just want to be sure I am not missing something? Thank you so much for all that have replied!
Yes, I did Read the link. Thank you so much for taking the time to for me! I guess the reason I am asking about other issues is because I keep finding things like this...
That make me think there is more I should be doing for her I have never delt with anything like this in my flock so I just want to be sure I am not missing something? Thank you so much for all that have replied!
Gotcha. It's always good to rule out other issues.

Have you done a full body exam on her? Her symptom set is rather out of my comfort zone so I'll tag @casportpony . The off-colour comb really does make me think heart issue, though.

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