Sick Hen

Oct 6, 2019
Fallon Nevada
First let me say I posted this under the conversations tab. Didn't get one response. Hoping I will get help here.🙏

I have a Cinnamon hen and yesterday she was acting kind of sick. At first I thought she was just getting some sun but then noticed that she was walking pretty slow. I was feeding and watering when I noticed her behavior. Today I got home from work around 11 am and went out to give the girls their treats and she wasn’t even interested. She just stood by the fence and watched. Also I had noticed some green somewhat watery poop in the coop. I decided to remove her and I put her in a large dog kennel inside my garage. I went on line to research what could be the issue and decided that maybe she was egg bound??? So I gave her a warm bath, cleaned her rear end and dried her off then applied some lubricant to her vent and placed her back in the kennel. She did drink some sugar water but has not eaten. She has not pooped at all either but I guess nothing in nothing out?? Her comb and waddle are nice and red. I just don’t know what’s going on and I feel terrible because I can’t help her🥺 😓😥 she seems to be breathing fine as well…. Please help
UPDATE.... I thought for sure when I woke up this morning she would be gone. She is still alive! I'm hoping to get some helpful hints. I live in a ranching town in Nevada and I cannot believe there is not a vet out here that will treat these hens. I would have to drive to Reno which is an hour away to have her checked out.
UPDATE.... I thought for sure when I woke up this morning she would be gone. She is still alive! I'm hoping to get some helpful hints. I live in a ranching town in Nevada and I cannot believe there is not a vet out here that will treat these hens. I would have to drive to Reno which is an hour away to have her checked out.
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Have you checked her crop condition? link follows for description..

What is her age and feed routine?

I'll ask the ods to move this to the emergency section.

I did check her crop. We are good there. She is only 2 years old. I really believe she may be egg bound. I just watched some videos and she has all of the signs. She is really swollen down below her vent and her tail feathers point downward when she is standing. I will definitely be doing another Epsom salt bath when I get home from work at 11 am.
Get some of this at your Walmart. Give her one tablet whole directly into her beak immediately. It will help her contractions to push the egg out.

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