Sick Hen


8 Years
Nov 13, 2011
Hi, I'm not sure what is wrong with my hen..

The worst of it started on friday night 4/20/12. I came in the coop at night to find her sitting on the floor instead of roosting. Her comb was bleeding along with two of her scales. My flock has had scaly leg mites which I've been treating them for and I have this one hen who's been pecking at the scales and making them bleed. Or the scales came off and she's pecking at the blood, I'm not sure. Either way she and two other hens have bloody toes.

So anyways, I seperated Tinkerbell and Chloe (her sister, also with bloody toes) I figured Tink wouldn't want to be lonely and Chloe needed a chance for her toes to heal. Well on Saturday Tink seemed very listless and just hunched over kind of. She was eating and drinking still though so I didn't worry. On satuday night I found some antibiotics and I've been puting that in there water. 2 tsp. per gallon the packet said. Sunday Tink was the same and she layed an egg. So I don't think she's egg bound. Today I took them outside to get excerise and Tink at first was eating grass up but then we switched spots and she just kind of sat there. Chloe was with and Chlo saw a hawk and moved away and Tink just sat still. I picked Tinkerbell up and I can feel how skinny her breastbone is. She's really skinny. Even though she's been eating. (I just wormed them last month)
Now she's just kinda droopy and when I picked her up she just sat there and fell asleep.

She doesn't look good, please help me.

P.S i feed all the hens layer food, with oyster shells and grit in a seperte bowl. They always have water and their bedding WAS hay but now there is none until the mites are gone.
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Hi, I'm not sure what is wrong with my hen..

The worst of it started on friday night 4/20/12. I came in the coop at night to find her sitting on the floor instead of roosting. Her comb was bleeding along with two of her scales. My flock has had scaly leg mites which I've been treating them for and I have this one hen who's been pecking at the scales and making them bleed. Or the scales came off and she's pecking at the blood, I'm not sure. Either way she and two other hens have bloody toes.

So anyways, I seperated Tinkerbell and Chloe (her sister, also with bloody toes) I figured Tink wouldn't want to be lonely and Chloe needed a chance for her toes to heal. Well on Saturday Tink seemed very listless and just hunched over kind of. She was eating and drinking still though so I didn't worry. On satuday night I found some antibiotics and I've been puting that in there water. 2 tsp. per gallon the packet said. Sunday Tink was the same and she layed an egg. So I don't think she's egg bound. Today I took them outside to get excerise and Tink at first was eating grass up but then we switched spots and she just kind of sat there. Chloe was with and Chlo saw a hawk and moved away and Tink just sat still. I picked Tinkerbell up and I can feel how skinny her breastbone is. She's really skinny. Even though she's been eating. (I just wormed them last month)
Now she's just kinda droopy and when I picked her up she just sat there and fell asleep.

She doesn't look good, please help me.

P.S i feed all the hens layer food, with oyster shells and grit in a seperte bowl. They always have water and their bedding WAS hay but now there is none until the mites are gone.
Mites can cause anemia so that maybe her problem, start giving all your chickens extra protein, canned salmon is a good source, rinse off the salt. also meal worms, yogurt will give them the probiotic boost they may need. even scrambled eggs are a good source of protein and you probably have a few of them laying around.
also there is a product called poultry Nutri Drench TSC carries it that will give them a great nutritional boost/. Hope this helps and she starts to perk up for you.
Thank you! We'll pick some of that stuff up tomorrow. I fed her scrambled eggs and she went nutso for them. Very energetic :p Hopefully she'll get healthier. Hopefully its just anemia rather than something worse.

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