sick hen


7 Years
Apr 23, 2012
Louisville Ky
It started two days ago when I found her upside down and couldn't turn back over. Since then, it's been down hill. I can get her to drink water through a dropper, and she's eating some scrambled eggs. She's just laying around. No mites, lice or wounds.
Have you tried giving her water with apple cider vinegar(raw) with the "mother" in it? Fred Meyer carries it in their organic section. She might have parasites or something and ACV will help. Also, try mixing in a little DE(diatrametrous earth) with her food it'll help abrasively remove any parasites as well as break down any food or foreign objects she's injested. How old is she? what does her body weight look like? when you turn her right side up how does she act?
See if her crop is empty in the morning and doesn't feel squishy. Full in the morning may be impacted; squishy may be sour crop. Feel around for sign of eggbound if she is laying age. Feel around for any warmth or distorted shape in her legs and hips. DE won't do anything for internal parasites; it kills soft bus in feed by scratching and dehydrating them but does nothing in a wet environment. It could be worms, depending on age and environment. If she's 2 or 3 years old it could be internal laying; feel around for a watery, squishy abdomen. And there are no doubt a lot of other things it could be. The organic ACV is worth a try.

If she has to be prodded to eat and drink, her chances may not be good at all. I wish you good luck, though.
I always put ACV in their water, I also always use DE in their food to keep flys out of it. She gets a spurt of energy and chirps from time to time but lays back down. She's 14 weeks
She's drinking and eating, but drinking from a dropper. I had a thread yesterday that showed pics. It looked like one side of her body was swollen. There are pics. Her poo looks normal. Her legs are warm and look fine.
Ok. She CAN stand and walk. She looks shaky on her legs. She has slept all day. She ate scrambled eggs on her own and drinks from time to time on her own. We are also giving her water with a dropper as well to make sure she's not going to dehydrate. Her poo is normal. Also, her breathing is good. In her water, she has a vitamin pac and ACV. Someone PLEASE give me advice..
Have you tried giving her water with apple cider vinegar(raw) with the "mother" in it? Fred Meyer carries it in their organic section. She might have parasites or something and ACV will help. Also, try mixing in a little DE(diatrametrous earth) with her food it'll help abrasively remove any parasites as well as break down any food or foreign objects she's injested. How old is she? what does her body weight look like? when you turn her right side up how does she act? 
When laid on her back, she gets mad and feisty

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