
5 Years
Oct 4, 2016
Recently I purchase an OEGB rooster from a breeder at a show, however when I was transporting him home I noticed clear liquid streaming from his nostrils and his beak. I figured it was probably the stress of being at the show all weekend and then being put in a cage in the car for a couple of hours whilst my parents went to the grocery store and got firewood.

About three days after buying him I took him out of the cage and realized his head smelled pretty bad. So did his beak, which still had the clear snot (But not as much)

So finally, what is wrong with him? He eats, drinks, poops, crows and sleeps. He acts as though he's in excellent health.

(Please note I don't have access to a vet that does chickens)
Is he sneezing or having difficulty breathing?

Smell the rest of him and see how it compares.

I would bathe him and give him a look over. Check around the vent. Check the eyes. In other words, do a general health check. I suggest the bath so you can be sure of the source of the odor.
Is he sneezing or having difficulty breathing?

Smell the rest of him and see how it compares.

I would bathe him and give him a look over. Check around the vent. Check the eyes. In other words, do a general health check. I suggest the bath so you can be sure of the source of the odor.

Thanks, It's only the head and upper neck that smells. I'm at my gran's house at the moment I'll update when I go home:)

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