Sick? Or just really tired


In the Brooder
11 Years
Mar 17, 2008
We picked up 2 silkies yesterday, and we put them in with our week old RIRs. We also have 3 3 week old barred rocks. One of the silkies in particular seems to sleep all of the time, and both seem to sleep a lot more than the RIRs or BRs ever did. Is that just because they are silkies? I checked and ensured they do not have pasty butt, so I don't think they would be sick from that.
My chicks always seem to be really sleepy after I bring them home. It usually last 12-24 hours for me. I would add a little sugar to their water or feed them a tiny bit of honey in their beaks. Make sure they are figuring out where the food and water is too. Good luck on your babies!

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