Sick Pekin Duck


6 Years
May 22, 2013
We have a 3 year old pekin duck who has an extremely hard time walking. It is possible she might have bumblefoot. Lately, we have noticed that she has yellow coloration around her eyes as well as foamy liquid coming out of her eye. We are giving her niacin with peas which she LOVES. Any suggestions of what to do?

It might. Glad you are resourceful!!

It is important to know the duck's weight, and give the recommended amount of penicillin based on the weight. Generally it is so many milligrams (mg) penicillin per kilogram (Kg) of duck weight. And a kilogram is 2.2 pounds.

@casportpony is good with medicinal math.

I will see if I can find some links to help you further.

Sometimes you can search for dosage information online specifically for waterfowl - I think one of the hatcheries may have a recommended dosage page....

Here - look at post 18
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She has an infection. I would get her to a vet.

If that is impossible, I would get ahold of some antibiotics.

She may have egg yolk peritonitis, a systemic and serious infection. Generally Baytril is prescribed for that. It is powerful and can upset the stomach.

Get her into a tub of lukewarm water she can float in. Look closely. If she has bumblefoot you can see that. Be careful handling her, she may be egg bound, in which case you don't want to burst the egg inside her. A warm bath and a good dose of extra calcium (some have given their ducks a Tums, or you can dissolve calcium citrate pills in water, or use liquid calcium gluconate) may help.

But it sounds like she has something very serious going on. Duck can recover, but they need help.
Thank you so much. We will give her oregano, a natural antibiotic. and some calcium.
She is a jumbo pekin, and that breed is very overbred. Thank you for your advice!
She has been in this condition for a very long time, maybe about at least 2 years.
Then she really needs a treatment plan. Chronic inflammation is troublesome. Look into appropriate amounts of turmeric to help reduce inflammation. In this case I might consider an antibiotic, and I appreciate that oregano is considered helpful for infections.
How old is she, is she the only duck, what does she eat, does she have swim water, are there other animals around, where is she now?

Can she stand? Is she eating? Drinking? Did she eat something toxic?

@Debs Flock
@Miss Lydia
She is maybe 2. We have another female. Her sister and a male. She can stand. She tends to eat an drink very little. Started about a week ago. Just getting worse. I seen 2 cats outside today which are strays. I'm wondering if she got attacked? She has no strength in her neck

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