Sick pigeon


11 Years
Apr 23, 2008
Douglas, Ontario
I have this posted on a poultry vet site but thoughg someone here may have some ideas....
My 5 year old pigeon, who lives in the house, pooped out whole grains this morning (I'm assuming she pooped them out, maybe she threw up?) Anyway, the grains have not been digested. She's fed pigeon feed, layer crumble (New Life brand) and some bird seed for variety. She has grit. She gets new water twice a day. She's a clean bird. She has not laid an egg in several months. She's allowed to fly around the house while supervised and is not allowed on the floor. I was able to get some Kaytee Handfeeding formula into her. I don't think she's eaten all day. She is slightly unsteady on her feer and is holding her tail low. Does anyone have any thoughts on what is wrong with her or what I can do for her??? I have Super Booster, Tetracycline, Oxytetracycline, Corid and Electrovites on hand. This came out of no where and she's the only one like this. She's lived in the house since she was a couple of weeks old. Help??
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Good luck! i had a kit get like this, n had them nursed in heat lamp on top (90°+ like chick brooder), wire bottomed cage.
Nothing worked on mine but probiotics (so slooow), n had layer crumbles n pellets only fed, and apple cider vinager in water all times (tablespoon or two per gallon of distilled drinking water).
Antibiotics etc said wouldn't work on as forget what was.. but they made full recovery, and now got something called "sulmet" that said may take care of, or other things like that product.
I think she has something going on internally. She pooped out something that looks like...tissue? If I can figure out how to post a pic from my moble I will.
Thanks for the link!
Some diseases cause damage to the lining of the intestines, which makes digestion hard (hints the undigested seeds) and causes tissue to fall off.
I was letting her sit as she's quite cross when I was taking the eggs away. For such a small bird she packs a mean wing slap and bites like a shark. Right now she's on Oxyteteacycline and has been slowly perking up. Her poops are still mucos-y but she has regained some of her feisty attitude.

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