Sick pullet.

I am so very sorry. It's time to change the antibiotics. You've done 2 courses now and it's not getting better. Go for the Tylan 50. It's more pricey than the Duramycin, but it's the best bet now.

Tylan 50 injection
dawg53 replied to this thread on March 10, 3:39 pm
Dosage is 1/2cc injected into the breast muscle once a day for 3 days, 1/4cc for smaller birds. Inject just under the skin and alternate breasts and dont inject into the same site.
It can be given orally; 1/2cc orally once a day for 5-7 days, but no more than 7 days...1/4cc for smaller birds

I copied this from another thread for you. Tractor Supply sells the Tylan 50 as well in a small bottle. dad doesn't believe they are sick q.q so idk what to do now. dad doesn't believe they are sick q.q so idk what to do now.
Oh Please, I'm sorry. Has he read the posts here? It might be a good idea to have him do that if you can. Look, how much of the Duramycin do you have left? Enough to go a whole course of it? You need a tbls. per gallon of water every 24 hours. If you do and can't get anything else, I'd do it. It's better than doing nothing and against all odds they may respond yet. I hope so. Keep the thread up to date if you can Please.
Oh Please, I'm sorry. Has he read the posts here? It might be a good idea to have him do that if you can. Look, how much of the Duramycin do you have left? Enough to go a whole course of it? You need a tbls. per gallon of water every 24 hours. If you do and can't get anything else, I'd do it. It's better than doing nothing and against all odds they may respond yet. I hope so. Keep the thread up to date if you can Please.
I think half a bag left I'm not certain, but we've went the full course with it and they are still sneezing. I'm gonna keep trying my hardest to get them healthy again.
Something I was thinking last night....if you had an apple and cut some of it up into little pieces, you could try that with them. See if they like it. Apples have all kinds of good stuff in them. I don't think it will 'cure' what they have, but it may very well help build their systems up a bit so they can fight this better themselves. Just a thought. I so hope this all works out for you and your chicks. Let us know how things are going.
Duramycin and some vegetables and fruit c: and as soon as the cold weather went away they stopped sneezing and wheezing c:
This sounds so much like what my one remaining chick has. Seems healthy other than sneezing/coughing. Duramycin treatment is over and she(I think) still has the same symptoms except the eye is not shut anymore and is clear. Should I go ahead and get the Tylan(?) shot? I am really at a loss any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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