In the Brooder
My one roo is really worrying me this morning, I'm afraid he might've even slept outside in the mud.
Yesterday I went out to the coop and was working on some things and saw him laying in the mud (it's been raining here for days) and he didn't seem like he could get up. So I picked him up, stood him up and gave him some food. Worked around the coop some more Nd kept an eye on him. All seemed fine.
This morning I went in to get my son up and looked out his window to check on the chickens and I honestly thought Louie was dead. Threw my boots on and ran out to the coop. He had picked his head up and was looking around by the time I got there. Went in and he was laying in the mud again acting like he was stuck. Picked him up and put him in a big rabbit hutch that I have. Gave him food and water. He did try to peck one of my girls on the way out so he's still got a little spunk.
Mostly his symptoms seem to be little to no strength and wobbly when he walks. He is eating/drinking/pooping. I have another larger roo in the same coop/run area but they have always gotten along splendid spin don't think it's an issue with being hurt. Thoughts? He's my fave roo, I don't want anything to happen to him
Yesterday I went out to the coop and was working on some things and saw him laying in the mud (it's been raining here for days) and he didn't seem like he could get up. So I picked him up, stood him up and gave him some food. Worked around the coop some more Nd kept an eye on him. All seemed fine.
This morning I went in to get my son up and looked out his window to check on the chickens and I honestly thought Louie was dead. Threw my boots on and ran out to the coop. He had picked his head up and was looking around by the time I got there. Went in and he was laying in the mud again acting like he was stuck. Picked him up and put him in a big rabbit hutch that I have. Gave him food and water. He did try to peck one of my girls on the way out so he's still got a little spunk.
Mostly his symptoms seem to be little to no strength and wobbly when he walks. He is eating/drinking/pooping. I have another larger roo in the same coop/run area but they have always gotten along splendid spin don't think it's an issue with being hurt. Thoughts? He's my fave roo, I don't want anything to happen to him