Sick Rooster -need help


Mar 17, 2023
Hi all, I’m hoping someone can help us. We have a wonderful rooster, 5 years old, never been sick before. A couple weeks ago I noticed what appeared to be damaged inner corner of his eye. Seemed to only be there sometimes which made me think it was damaged to inner eyelid. Had like yellow in one corner only. We assumed it was an injury. It went away.

Now 2 weeks later, he is hunched over. Holding his head down when sitting still, lethargic, shaking his head. He hasn’t even gotten on roost bar last couple nights. We thought at first he maybe had an impaction but he doesn’t. I then read about Mycoplasma involving bubbles in eyes which made me think of his eye thing! BUT we don’t see any sign of eye issue now or bubbles in eyes or nostrils. Although He IS gaping his mouth some, and I’ve heard him do a big sigh, which is now making me think gape worms?

We started Fenbendazole this morning. And I’m also wondering if we should give him Denagard for possible Mycoplasma also?? His only signs are really only hunched over, looking down, shaking his head, and lethargy. Any ideas??

Should we worm first before starting Denagard if he hasn’t improved?

Thanks in advance for any ideas
You can give both at the same time. They won't interact negatively.

Do check his crop in the morning to rule out a possible crop issue. Crop should be empty in the morning if functioning normally.
Yes, it’s the first thing we checked for.

I should add have a lot of wild birds. And birds have been getting in their coop some that we have been trying to prevent. It’s very possible whatever he has is from wild birds
We started suspecting they all may have mites, and have been treating them naturally with garlic juice spray also. But not sure if that’s what would cause him to be so sick? He’s normally a large healthy rooster. All the other hens seem healthy.

He does not have crop issues. It’s the first thing we checked. I don’t have photos of his poop but from what we’ve seen couple days ago it looks solid.
Too much garlic ingestion can cause destruction of red blood cells and anemia. I would quit the garlic. These home remedies may be okay in very small amounts, but it's easy to get carried away, and then they become toxic.

Anemia can cause extreme lethargy. You can try giving him raw ground beef or liver, or canned mackerel in case this could be his problem.
Too much garlic ingestion can cause destruction of red blood cells and anemia. I would quit the garlic. These home remedies may be okay in very small amounts, but it's easy to get carried away, and then they become toxic.

Anemia can cause extreme lethargy. You can try giving him raw ground beef or liver, or canned mackerel in case this could be his problem.
We aren’t giving them garlic. It’s a spray
Do you have photos of him and his poop?

If he has mites, this will affect his healthy greatly.
You can find permethrin based poultry spray or dust at feed stores like TSC. I prefer to have both spray and dust on hand.
Dust for the birds, spray for housing. Put the dust in a sock, then use it like a powder puff to dust each bird, focus on working the dust through the feathers all the way to the skin. Don't forget to get around the vent and underneath the bird and his head as well. Clean out old bedding and dispose of it (trash it or burn it). Spray housing making sure to get the permethrin in cracks/crevices, roosting bars and nesting boxes too.
Repeat treatment of birds and housing in 5-7 day intervals.
If he has mites, this will affect his healthy greatly.
You can find permethrin based poultry spray or dust at feed stores like TSC. I prefer to have both spray and dust on hand.
Dust for the birds, spray for housing. Put the dust in a sock, then use it like a powder puff to dust each bird, focus on working the dust through the feathers all the way to the skin. Don't forget to get around the vent and underneath the bird and his head as well. Clean out old bedding and dispose of it (trash it or burn it). Spray housing making sure to get the permethrin in cracks/crevices, roosting bars and nesting boxes too.
Repeat treatment of birds and housing in 5-7 day intervals.

We would normally treat stronger like this but was being cautious since he’s already so sickly and also on medications. Was hoping to help with this more natural treatment until he shows improvement. I think all the rain we’ve had has kept them from being able to dust bathe as much as normal.

We’ve never known of mites to make a chicken sick like this though. And especially only one of the flock? Are you thinking that could actually be his main issue?

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