Sick Rooster

Here is picture of poop from today,this is not what it looks like daily. Sometimes its brown, sometimes runny but most days it's clumped or normal looking to me. Omg, I just went to let my other 3 chickens out and I saw moving worms (looks like rice )in poop in coop, under the roost. I followed them around the yard until one of them pooped and didn't see anything. I treated them about 2 weeks ago with wazine. What should I follow up with? My sick rooster has been separate from them for 3 weeks,could this be his distress? Internal parasites cause him not to be able to walk? He actually tried to walk to his feeder this morning,but still falling over. Still eating and drinking.
You could try treating your rooster with Safeguard for worms, and Corid for coccidiosis, but I doubt that will help. Was he vaccinated for Marek's?

He is 3 or 4 years old. I got him when he was 9months old and pretty sure that the girl I got him from vaccinate all of her chickens. From all the research I've done, he doesn't appear to have a lot of the symptoms for mereks. If he does have mereks would he have lived this long?
He is 3 or 4 years old. I got him when he was 9months old and pretty sure that the girl I got him from vaccinate all of her chickens. From all the research I've done, he doesn't appear to have a lot of the symptoms for mereks. If he does have mereks would he have lived this long?
They can live that long.

If that's the case, can he be treated effectively and would treatment harm him if he doesn't have mereks and would he ever recover and be able to walk again? What would I treat him with?
If that's the case, can he be treated effectively and would treatment harm him if he doesn't have mereks and would he ever recover and be able to walk again? What would I treat him with?
If he has Marek's there is no treatment, but other things can cause what you're seeing, so maybe treating him for worms with Safeguard and Corid for coccidiosis would be a good place to start.

Thank you so much Kathy. I am on my way to the feed store. Can I treat him for both worms and coccidiosis at the same time? Should I treat my other 3 chickens for coccidiosis as well? My oldest is 6 years, a polish hen, I have a 2 year old silky and a 4 to 5 year old mixed breed hen.
Thank you so much Kathy. I am on my way to the feed store. Can I treat him for both worms and coccidiosis at the same time? Should I treat my other 3 chickens for coccidiosis as well? My oldest is 6 years, a polish hen, I have a 2 year old silky and a 4 to 5 year old mixed breed hen.
You can treat him for both at the same time. Wormer dose I would use is 0.23 ml per pound orally for 5 days. Not sure I'd treat the others.

Are you saying I shouldn't treat the others for cocciodiosis? I just want to make sure I'm doing it right. I really appreciate all your advice. I've had chickens for six years without any issues, so this is all new to me. I've spent hours doing research on my rooster symptoms only to get confused and not to mention overwhelmed. I am doing the process of elimination without causing any more harm. Thanks again for everything. So again, I shouldn't treat others for cocciodiosis?
Are you saying I shouldn't treat the others for cocciodiosis? I just want to make sure I'm doing it right. I really appreciate all your advice. I've had chickens for six years without any issues, so this is all new to me. I've spent hours doing research on my rooster symptoms only to get confused and not to mention overwhelmed. I am doing the process of elimination without causing any more harm. Thanks again for everything. So again, I shouldn't treat others for cocciodiosis?
If the others are acting normal, not losing weight, and have normal looking poop, then no need to treat them.

Thanks again Kathy. I have one more question and the next time you hear from me will be an update on Captain my rooster , hopefully a positive one. I am getting the oral solution of corid, What would be the dosage? He is a jersey giant /Sussex mix, he's rather large. I got your dosage for wormer,but how much corid?

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