Sick Rooster

Thanks again Kathy. I have one more question and the next time you hear from me will be an update on Captain my rooster , hopefully a positive one. I am getting the oral solution of corid, What would be the dosage? He is a jersey giant /Sussex mix, he's rather large. I got your dosage for wormer,but how much corid?
2.5 ml per quart and go ahead and give him and additional 0.1 ml per pound orally for 1 or 2 days.

I just got the safeguard and was reading some posts on it. Is it correct that safeguard will not kill tapeworms? I found rice or maggot looking things moving in chicken poop and was told on this forum to get safeguard. I treated them with wazine two weeks ago and that was before I saw anything in the poop. Sorry but I am so confused,I need to stop reading all the different threads.Should I take the safeguard back and exchange for something else?
I just got the safeguard and was reading some posts on it. Is it correct that safeguard will not kill tapeworms? I found rice or maggot looking things moving in chicken poop and was told on this forum to get safeguard. I treated them with wazine two weeks ago and that was before I saw anything in the poop. Sorry but I am so confused,I need to stop reading all the different threads.Should I take the safeguard back and exchange for something else?

A dose of 0.23 ml per pound *orally* for 5 days *might* kill some species of tapes. Give the Safeguard orally for five days, and if you are still seeing evidence of tapes, buy a tube of Equimax horse paste and give 0.16 ml per pound once, repeat in 10-14 days.

Thank you Kathy, you have been such a tremendous help. It should work after 5 days? And if I don't see any evidence of worms after the 5 days, do I need to repeat with the safeguard again after a length of time? I started the corid treatment with my rooster. If he does have coccidiosis, when would I see any improvement? Thanks again for all your help!
This exact same thing is happening to my bantam rooster, 6 months old. Used to run with the "girls", then sat a couple days, 3rd day couldn't get into coop on his own, so brought him in and put him in nesting box on bottom that none of girls use. After 2 days decided to bring him in house. For 3-4 days have been giving him bone stock warmed with tomatoes bits in, his usual feed, some yogurt make with Unpasturized milk (enzymes and good bacteria), sometimes warm oatmeal with the bone stock which he gobbles up. He seemed to weak when I brought him in, he has slowly increased in eating which he does vigorously now, BUT still can't walk! I move his legs around a few times per day and give him a butt wash LOL. His water has duramycin-10 in it. I gave him oregano to chew on . . .I'm going to town to get vitamins for him at feed store . . .what could have caused this and what else can I do???

His poop is solid and normal looking
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Casportpony, you have been so helpful at trying to help me get my rooster back on his feet. He is still hanging in there. My now on day 3 of corid and safeguard, so far no improvement. He's still falling down with no balance what so ever. When I first started posting with his symptoms I included a couple of pictures. Someone asked me if his face was swollen. At the time I didn't really think so. I just took some pictures of his head. This doesn't look normal. Someone told me that he might have some kind of worm, I can't remember what it was called, but they said it would work it's way out and I would have to pull it out with tweezers. Ugh! By looking at these pictures, can anyone help.
I tried sending more than one at a time. Here is another. This is the left side of his head.

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