Sick rouen female

well I know this is holiday weekend but Ive emailed the vet anyway so ill be first come this time tomorrow. I asked him again about implants for her. He wants to know which one i want.>? So Im open to anyone who has experience using these things,. I dont want to suggest the wrong one. Last night she pushed out another yellow thing out the same size .

She is eating a little more. The medicine is making her real drowsy though. To the point that she kind of stumbles a some. Im just glad that shes getting better. Her weight is 4.14 oz. I also noticed that her poops are near what they use to be and at night she would eat a mealworm snack and for 3 days now she has refused it. Could be from molting though. I suppose.
Ill keep you informed of anything else.
Sechs was given cystorelin 50 mcg/ml, quantity 0.50 (no units on quantity, perhaps ml?)

She also received calcium gluconate 23% solution injection and subcutaneous fluids.

She was sent home with a prescription for Metacam and Bactrim.

This was for egg binding.
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Sechs was given cystorelin 50 mcg/ml, quantity 0.50 (no units on quantity, perhaps ml?)

She also received calcium gluconate 23% solution injection and subcutaneous fluids.

She was sent home with a prescription for Metacam and Bactrim.

This was for egg binding.
Fluids help so much!

No, I dropped the ball. They took her back for x-rays and when she came back they had given fluids. I think they said they were going to give her something but I missed my opportunity. I was a little distressed, and I don't always think clearly under those conditions.
No, I dropped the ball.  They took her back for x-rays and when she came back they had given fluids.  I think they said they were going to give her something but I missed my opportunity.  I was a little distressed, and I don't always think clearly under those conditions.

How is she doing?

She is quite fine. Started feeling better in a day or two, steady improvement, passed the egg in 5 or 6 days, I think, then was really perky. Kept her on the Metacam for 12 days, Bactrim for 14, extra calcium for 14 or more. Still doing well.
Thank you Amiga. Im so glad she is okay That is so scary.
Praying is all I can do now. And like you said think happy thoughts. She perked up a little today. Except that she is real drowsy, and yells quite a bit not normal. She is molting for the first time. Flight feathers man you should see her pull them out. But she did not push anything out yet.

You know I told you that I have 2 male and female well my drake is Lapua and he keeps bitting at her in a mean way. It is really upsetting. She will come to my feet and hide then he comes and starts picking on her. So I just tell him to stop pick Ronen up and give her a little loving, some extra romaine and shes okay. I think he knows she doesnt feel well and is picking on her.

Thanks for sticking with me.
Ducks can be such noodle heads. I used to think my Runners were angels. Ha!
When I added Romy and Michele to the flock, one day I found little Elfie and Romy sumo wrestling!!! And forget it if one duck finds a worm, suddenly they're all chasing after her trying to grab it from her.
well everyone I need your help again. Vet just got back to me and says he has only found Deslorelin implant but it would cost 400.00 he said that if i could find it cheaper he would give me rx for it.
Is there any other shot or pill that i can give her to keep her from laying? However she has not expelled anything for 2 days now and her weight has not changed since yesterday morning. (4.15)
Holding steady.
She has pulled all her flight feathers out.(molting) somewhat gotten app back, but her voice still sounds funny though.
Please let me know.

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