Sick, twisted cat


10 Years
Jul 24, 2009
Athens, al
Every time I get the fly swatter out she comes running and meowing.
She wants you to pet her with it! I have no idea who started this with her as we got her from a rescue. But this is just wrong, makes me feel guilty since she runs to your feet and rolls over.

edited because of my fat fingures and the phone keyboard don't always work together.
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The joys of being the slave of a cat. I have 3

Queenie a common house cat personally I think is a cross between a tabby cat and the grinch. Who in her time has tried to feed her kitten Socks to my dog and bit socks where the vet got him on the day he was neutured and is a tyranical bully.
Tippy tail who is a little black queen daughter of the above who has a perverse desire to steal under wear and slippers. When she was a kitten I was in the study when a hysterical rough collie came running in she had got on the dogs back stuck her claws in the dogs back and was riding her like a horse, but she does love the cats so she forgave her after a dog treat. Last christmas when my sister came down she told tippy off so tippy went and found her brother on the litter box and bit his ear.
Socks son of the above Queenie who is the most neurotic cat I have ever met, he is scared of everything and I don't know why as he has never had anything really nasty happen (well apart from the way his mother and sister treat him) he once tried to jump onto the top of my sitting room door like his sister does BUT the door was shut and he slid down the door like in one of the tom and jerry cartoons.
We have a lot of centipedes that get in our basement. I absolutely hate them and they are impossible to kill. I have only seen one live one since we have had our cat. She plays with them until they die!!! She also likes to hide and jump out and attack your body when you walk by!!!

Edited because my brain and my fingers aren't attached today!
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She might just want to play.. with whatever bug you swat!

Rosie.. yes she's a dog.. but.. she comes running over anytime we swat at anything.. with a newspaper, a swatter, a hand, a book.. even if were swatting eachother

She learned along time ago that swatting means bugs to catch when they hit the floor

The palmetto bug story..

We were in a small house where moms room doubled as the computer room and I would do my homeschooling in there. We had 4 JRTs at the time. I was in the room one afternoon sitting on the bed with a book.. Mom had stolen the computer
Suddenly I look up and screech... yes yes I screeched, ok? There was an enormous flying cockroach! It was almost the length of my palm and was all evily cockroach looking with big cockroach wings!
Otherwise known as Palmetto bugs (florida).
So Rosie jumps up (all the dogs were in the room and most on the bed around me) shes grrrring and carrying on trying to figure out the cause of screeching... and Mom jumps up and grabs a shoe.
There she is.. (while I'm hunkering on the bed in terror
) banging the shoe against the wall trying to get this darn thing... and all 4 dogs are over there respectively rooting around the floor looking for something buglike that might have fallen.. and boinging at the wall and moms shoe she was trying to bash the cockroach with!
Then Mom got a little scared when the bug flew at her.. and threw the shoe at the bug! Rosie caught the shoe in the air... and is doing her 'kill it' thing... shakinging it viciously from side to side and savagely snarling at it (usually her toys)... it would be enough to break a small animals neck and probably rend te head off

So moms yelling "Give me back my shoe!!!" And Rosies 'killing it' over and over.

Finally mom gets her shoe back... and smashes the bug against the wall.
My little female JRT, Tilly (Rosies daughter)... she caught the thing when it fell... and races right back to me still huddled on the bed!

Of course... shes 'killing it' with the huge bug in her mouth and trying to jump into my lap at the same time!!!
I was doing this
.. only there was some noise involved.
Little cockroach legs were flying at me! Then came the guts! As they splattered on my leg.. and she wouldn't go away with it (think it was still wriggling in her mouth.
Plus all the dogs were on top of me trying to find the bug Tilly 'must have' dropped somewhere.. and I was pinned down to be sparyed with cockroach parts!

Mom was just standing back and laughing at me!

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