Sickening. :(

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8 Years
Mar 15, 2011
Don't know if ya'll have seen this...

Link removed by Staff


I know i was thinking exactly that. Mcdonalds could have had no idea this was going on. People always turn something into something its not. (although McDonalds is really bad for you anyway)
I don't know if it's my place to point this out, but animal rights threads and such are prohibited:

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another BYCer also brought this up, but it is a bit unfair of this website to say that it is all the fault of McDonalds, and hardly mention the SUPPLIER of the eggs, whom McDonalds QUICKLY booted from their supplier list after they discovered what was going on.
Yes, I agree. But Chickengal505, This isn't cockfighting, and We are not discussing animal rights groups, I simply shared a video of animal abuse, I am in no way dicussing this particular animal rights group, I am just discussing the awfulness of the situation. I may be discussing animal rights, but not an organization.
Trust me I know, It's just I've had threads about the same things, egg production, meat production ect. closed because it's such a touchy topic. It normaly leads to fights and hurt feelings. I just wanted to give you the heads up.
McDonalds buys eggs. They do not own, manage, or run egg farms. KFC buys chicken. They do not breed, raise, or process them. What goes on in the farms is not under their control except to quit buying from the offenders once they learn of the problem. BTW, what you see on the internet about abuses may or may not be accurate. There is an egg farm near where I used to live that is in the process of suing an animal rights group for defamation. The animal rights group released some lurid film footage of alleged abuses that supposedly occurred at the farm and supposedly were filmed by an employee acting undercover. Turns out the sensational film footage was staged and the egg farm could prove it.
Yes but the sad thing is, this egg farm hasn't said this was staged. The chicks with their beaks being burned off were obviously alive, and the egg farm fired the individuals that were seen in the video.
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