Sickly 1week old chick. HELP

Sydni Crawford

In the Brooder
Feb 9, 2020
I have a new group of babies that hatched on February 3rd. 10 total. Everyone seems to do wonderfully except 1.
I have a little buff orpington that is opening and closing her beak often, stretching her neck out, and shaking her head. I have noticing a little bit of clear discharge when she shakes, but it looks/feels like water, and occasional sneeze.
I notice these symptoms more after she drinks.
Tonight she has been a little lethargic compared to everyone else and hanging close to the heating lamp.
I am using a medicated feed, probiotics and electrolytes in the water, and brooder temp is regulated between 90-95.
If anyone could give me some advice I would greatly appreciate it!
Im getting so attached, and don’t want her to suffer, if she is ill.
Sorry about your chick. It is hard to know if she has a respiratory infection or she is just a weak chick. Check her crop to see if she is eating some pine shavings and getting them stuck. Keep her nostrils cleaned, keep her warm, and make sure that she is drinking well. I hope that she makes it, but it is not unusual to lose one.

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