Sigh oops and grrr


10 Years
Jun 23, 2009
Let the dog out of his run this am for a little gander around the yard of course something caught his eye down the road - sigh- a chicken was on the road
and off he went and no amount of coaxing calling chasing was bringing him back until he is good and ready oops
So about 20 minutes later he is back about 1 hour later my neighbor from down the road shows up telling me to keep my dog in the yard because he had found my dog with one of his chickens in his mouth on his farm and next time he will shoot him.
So I asked him if his chickens were locked in a pen or free ranging - he says they have a pen but obviously not a good pen or he is flat out lying cause the chicken on the road was one of his. and they are always out by the road cause the pen is next to the road.
I know my dog should not be roaming but my dog saw a chicken on the freakin road and went after it so I am thinking its the same chicken he had in his mouth GRRRRRRRRRRRRRr
my thing is this if your farking chickens are free ranging on the road or nearby the road and not in a pen you are asking for it and you cant get mad when someone elses animals give chase.
needless to say Dog is back in his pen.
and oh forgot to mention this is the same guy whose cows have now been in my yard 6 times and his horses 5 times.
Hubby stuck his head out the door and asked him if he shoots our dog would it be ok if he shoots one of his cows!
Sounds like you need a remote shock collar. A friend of mine has a dog that used to take off if she got out of the yard. He put a collar on her and the first time she got loose and took off he gave her the warning beep and then shocked her. Now when she gets out and he hits the warning beep she make a beeline back to the yard.

Do you have a fenced in area in your yard? The next time his horses or cows show up try to coax them into the fenced area. Eventually he'll go looking for the missing animals and find them nicely corralled. At least make it a PITA to get them back.
Sadly, the law applies to your dog, more than his chickens (or other livestock). In most states, he's within his rights to shoot dogs.

Did the dog kill the chicken?

I sympathize, I do. I have a dog who likes to wander. We've gone from radio fence, to remote collars, to expensive fencing, and she still finds ways to get out, and goes to all the local farms. She always comes home an hour later.

But, also owning chickens, I would understand if she got shot. While my husband was growing up, loose dogs got his 4h lamb flock. So while we love our girl, and she's obedient to a t, once she's out of that fence she won't come back until she's ready. So my empathy lays with the farmer more, really. It's my job to keep my dog locked up.
nope didnt kill the chicken just played with it lol.
and i live in BC so i dont even know what the law is out here about the dogs and cattle and chickens running all over.
I called dog control on these people before as their Pits were roaming all over the neighborhood and they wont come out here for nothing and told me to shoot them.
Oh i know my dog should be in the yard and now they do have a wonderful new run made that they cant get out of and they are quite happy in there - but i still like to let them come out for some training sessions with me and some fetch.
I figure if this guy shoots my dog I will flip only because we have had to deal with every critter that this man has at one time or another in our yard ruining things. His horses scratched my van all to nonsense when they got caught between the van and our truck and turned, his cows have knocked over our fence (post and rail) eaten my chicken feed, destroyed my Garden and our badminton net.
The GRRRR comes from the fact that he has the balls to say I am gonna shoot your dog but if its his critters running everywhere its just fine.
next time his cows or horses are here we are going to run them down the road as far as we can so he has to hire a truck and trailer to come and get them. or spend a good day dealing with angry farmers all down the valley and herding them back lmao.
I have chickens to and as a chicken owner i believe that any chicken that strolls off of my property is fair game to whatever might happen to catch it. but i have my chickens in a secured run and coop and dont let them run all over the place for that very reason

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