Sign of hens about to lay?

The older Seramas will be 13 weeks on the eleventh. All three boys are crowing, have sickle feathers and are starting to get their hackle and saddle pointers in. The lowest rank boy can actually crow... the second rank has a squeak in the middle of his crow... and the top ranked boy sounds like he's gargling halfway through.
Huh, do they mature younger than LF birds?
Huh, do they mature younger than LF birds?

I figure the female has at least another month before she even thinks about laying an egg - she's a silkied, and from what I've read, they're slower to develop. However, by two weeks I knew for certain what genders were going to be on the younger three... which is to say, all cockerels. I thought one of the older three cockerels would be female until about four weeks or so, when it suddenly popped up a comb, but apparently they're usually pretty easy to gender at a very young age. So I figure they must mature young, for the most part.
I kept finding the shavings in the coop arranged into nests. I thought - well! Not the nesting boxes, but someone's contemplating something... then I caught the culprits in the act.

It's not my pullets. Not the EE's, not the Sebrights, not the Serama girl....

It's the Serama cockerels. All three of the older ones were in there very busily making little nests, squatting in them, clucking emphatically at the pullets, waddling in circles inside the 'nest' to fluff it up, turning to look at the pullets - who were supremely unimpressed, and don't appear to be near POL yet, clucking some more at them... Apparently, the Serama boys are much more concerned about eggs than I am.
Interesting, I'll have to investigate those Seramas and where they come from, not familiar with the breed, must be a little something different in their background...
We have 5 Easter eggers and 3 Wyandotte's , we got our chickens on 2/28 they were a few days old ,we just got our first egg 7/4 our Easter Egger laid a pretty green egg... then we had a few days with out an egg...then yesterday I had a wyandotte and EE egg..

I had one lay the egg in the coop and one lay an egg in the chicken run...I'm thinking I need a nesting box down in the run part of the coop? any suggestions...
I had one lay the egg in the coop and one lay an egg in the chicken run...I'm thinking I need a nesting box down in the run part of the coop? any suggestions...
Nope, unless that is where you want them to lay.
They'll figure it out. Put some fake eggs in the coop nests, then give it some time.
Can take up to a month or so before they get it all figured out. Meanwhile, eggs everywhere, some of them can be rather funky looking, soft or thin shelled, huge double yolked eggs.
Nope, unless that is where you want them to lay.
They'll figure it out. Put some fake eggs in the coop nests, then give it some time.
Can take up to a month or so before they get it all figured out. Meanwhile, eggs everywhere, some of them can be rather funky looking, soft or thin shelled, huge double yolked eggs.
K I will give it a month Thanks

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