Signs that a hen maybe of age to lay??


8 Years
Nov 1, 2011
Columbia, MS
First time chicken owner. Are there signs to look for in a hen that she may start laying soon? I have 6 hens got 3 eggs yesterday (first time) I know 2 of the hens that have been laying just not sure about the third one. Also I have 2 Ameracauna hens is there anyway to tell about how old they are?

Thanks for any information!!
I got to hear the egg song once !! Mine are not real touchy chickens. Only had them about a month but I am working on getting them used to me touching them. Does a rooster start showing more interest in a hen when she is getting close to start laying?
possibly. I've had 2 month old roosters mount girls the same age as them though so I wouldnt let that be the only factor.
A rooster is a rooster, he was hatched interested!
My 22 week old Foghorn mounted the 17 week old EE pullet and she hasn't started laying. That was about a week ago. She has a red comb and wattles but shows zero interest in the nest. I think he was just hormonal as he mated my only layer at least five times while we were in the back yard. Who knows how many times he did it and we were not around to see.

Squatting, nesting, singing egg song, acting oddly by rushing quickly around, wanting to eat the oyster shell, allowing the rooster to do his thing. Those are signs she's close. But the truest way to know is when she leaves the egg for you
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