Silkie bitten by dog, wound has maggots in it.


Sep 26, 2021
Victoria, Australia
Hi Chicken lovers.
My friends chicken was bitten by its sweet border collie that has never bitten a chicken before.
She now has a wound just above her vent, it's round, about the size of a fingernail, and very open. It was crawling with maggots today when I had a look at it.
I washed her in some chicken wash soapy warm water to clean the poo off her feathers, then trimmed the feathers on her underside around the wound. I then dipped her into some salty water and then got to pickin out as many maggots as I could with a pair of tweezers. Then I sprayed the wound with chloromide antiseptic spray, then gave it a spray with elanco extinosad. I plan to repeat every 8 hours to kill any new eggs that start turning into maggots.
I'm wondering if I need to cover the wound with anything?
She is in a small coop by herself, on the grass on some fresh wood shavings. She isnt walking around, just sitting and sleeping. She's drinking water from the syringe I'm giving her, but not eating. My friend said she hasn't eaten for 2 days, I hope she isn't septic. I hope she can pull through.
Any advice much appreciated...


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She's septic. A bite wound needs to be treated with an oral antibiotic immediately following the attack. As life threatening as the bite is, shock is just as dangerous. So, even this long after the attack, electrolytes should be given in sugar water to counteract shock.
OK thankyou, and I can only get oral antibiotics from the vet?
And sugar water contains electrolytes? Or do I need to add electrolytes to sugar water?
Are you in the US? Try Tractor Supply. There are a number of mail order vet supplies you can get these antibiotics from. Jedd's. KV Supply, Valley Vet,
No, I'm in Australia. I'll have a look online for some thankyou.
We are upto day 6 now after her attack, and she's still alive which is great, she's taking a bit of water I'm syringing over her beak, that has egg yolk, salt and sugar in it. She's still pooping but they're starting to get smaller, and runnier. I hoped she'd be eating by now. She's doing this weird thing today standing but wobbly, lifting her head up and back... Why?
She seemed pretty good yesterday walking around a bit and here wound is healing well. She just preened her feathers a bit.
It would help to see a video of her doing the neck stretch. It may be significant to her condition.

Post the video to YouTube then copy the URL and paste it here. Your video will embed.

Six days without food has to be causing her wobbliness. Have you put some cooked egg or boiled rice or grated carrot in front of her to see if it would tempt her to eat? If she refuses to eat, she probably should be tubed food to get her crop and digestive system working again. You should be able to buy a tube feeding kit for a small animal from a vet.

They may be able to instruct you how to tube your chicken or I can provide instructions.
It would help to see a video of her doing the neck stretch. It may be significant to her condition.

Post the video to YouTube then copy the URL and paste it here. Your video will embed.

Six days without food has to be causing her wobbliness. Have you put some cooked egg or boiled rice or grated carrot in front of her to see if it would tempt her to eat? If she refuses to eat, she probably should be tubed food to get her crop and digestive system working again. You should be able to buy a tube feeding kit for a small animal from a vet.

They may be able to instruct you how to tube your chicken or I can provide instructions.
Thanks you. Here is the video of her doing the neck thing. She hasn't done it today. Is preening herself and looking a bit more energetic again, but she's still not eating. Tomorrow is day 7 no eating!!! She's drinking a tiny bit of egg yolk, mixed with tin tuna water, salt and sugar water. But it's a time consuming process to get her to drink enough every hour!!!
She has fly strike. The maggots are eating her up. She needs bathed, and as many flushed & removed as possible. There is a product called capstar which is to kill fleas for cats or dogs and given internally. It is the only thing that will surely help at this point. You could try ivermectin but i think the capstar concentration is what is needed. Dose like a cat/ kitten.

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