Silkie Chick with eyes "droopy"


8 Years
May 17, 2011
Since yesterday my baby silkie (about 5-6 weeks old) seems to have its eyes not as open as normal. Everything else seems to be fine. Shes eatting ok and drinking fine. I have her inside in a three tiered mouse cage and have had her in there about a week and a half. The bottom is lined with pine shavings which I keep clean. Everything seems just normal. She doesnt seem in pain or lethargic. Just her eyes arent as open as they were before. Any ideas on what is wrong with her?
Wow that was hard to get a picture. Little Bobble Head! But this is what it looks like... maybe a LITTLE wider sometimes but kinda like this:


I dont know about discharge but there seems to be a little patch above her eyes (you can kinda see this in the picture) Ive never owned a silkie before so I dont know if its supposed to be there but it KINDA looks like the fluff was a little wet and then dried and left a little dust with it...
Her neck doesnt seem wrong though... only thing is her eyes. But I was going to put her on some Save-A-Chick soon anyway. Thought maybe shes not getting enough Vit. D from being indoors mostly.
Can you get her outside some during the day in the shade? plus you might want to pick up the save-a-chick and start using it, also maybe try some terrimycin eye ointment just in case. She really looks like she doesn't feel good. And you know how when we don't feel good it shows in our eyes. See if you can get her to eat some scrambled egg along with her chick feed. How old is she? and is she eating and drinking good?
okay went back and reread your first post. If she's eating and drinking okay then could be she is lacking in vit. D so get her on the save a chick and out side some of a morning or late afternoon, and see if she perks up at all.
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Hi to everyone! this is my first post here, and I gone through the registration process " i am usually lazy to register
" just because I know the solution to this! I do come from the other part of the world from Dubai if you have heard about it before.

Anyways, u need to get this medicine from the closest vet. The brand name of this med. might be different in your place, but the same substance should be avaialble.

Medicine: Terramycin/LA injectable solution

U need to drop this liquid after mixing it with water in 4:1 ratio. Two drops in each eye .. Twice a day .. For five days! U will touch the result from the first or second day. The last three days are just protection.

Do not worry about ur chick in case she is not sick, and she eating and drinking. When I saw the picture I smiled and I was so happy I could share something here!

Best of luck
Kareem and we're on the same page as far as the Terramycin goes except over here we can get it in an eye ointment also. Thanks for joining and for sharing your knowledge.
Yay! Welcome by the way!
Glad I "forced" you to register Dubai... this forum gets addicting

Today I took her outside with half shade half sun and she immediately went down in a sunbath. Both sides LOL. I went and got the Sav-A-Chick also and started giving it to her. I plan on getting her outside every morning when I do my duck/chicken feeds and let her get her sunbath in as well as let the others get to know her. This morning they wanted to peck her. Poor thing.

I will check into that eye ointment tomorrow as well. I just want my little baby all betters

Thank you guys for your help and imput!

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