Silkie chick won't grow at all?


In the Brooder
Jul 7, 2015
I have 4 silkies. 1 is about 6 weeks old. 2 are about 4 weeks old and 1 is almost 3 weeks old. The 3 week old chick is the same size as it was when it was 4 days old. It's eating and drinking fine and has as much energy as the other ones. The only thing is that it's poop is pretty runny and light colored most of the time. I would say 6 out of 8 droppings are really runny. Im not sure if I should separate it from the larger ones since they are growing so fast. But then this chick would be all alone.
It could be a deformity, in which case, I don't know how well it will do. It could also be worms. This is easier to treat, as worms can lead to stunted chicks.

It is very cute! I hope it stays healthy and strong!
As long as it's eating and drinking and pooping regularly, don't give up on it. However, it looks for all the world to be one of those unfortunate chicks who hatch out of their egg with a set of genetic problems that are all folded into the term of "failure to thrive".

If your chick is one of these, it may never grow to a functioning size, and that means it may have a short life, may not lay eggs or have problems if it does, and may be more susceptible to predators and bullying due to its small size.

I had one such chick three months ago and it died in its first week. It's heart breaking when it happens, but some chicks just don't have the proper functioning bodies to grow and develop and there really isn't anything you can do about it.

I also have a silkie that won't grow. I swear it has to weigh only ounces! I bought four silkies four months ago. Two immediately became ill after I got them home. I tried treating with Corrid but they still died. The two surviving chicks drank the water treated with Corrid also. One of these two chicks is growing like it should. It's a nice big four month old. But my other chick is still very, very tiny! I bought another chick about two months ago and the new chick is already three times bigger than my four month old. I have no idea why or what's going on with her. I took this picture when she was about two months old. That was two months ago. She has not grown at all. She is still this same size at four months old. Why is she not growing? Is there anything I can do for her? I'm at a complete loss.
Poor little thing. Sounds like she's stunted because of her fight for survival. She may always be small for her size, but it wouldn't hurt to try offering vitamin rich foods of all kinds to give her a boost. Scrambled eggs are a favorite, but there are many other options as well.
Keep her warm, clean, hydrated, and active and hopefully she will get through her struggles and be able to put energy back towards growing.

Best of luck!
Thank you! I'll do that! I have chickens out free ranging but I keep my three silkies in a nice coop so they don't get picked on and they're protected from hawks and eagles. I'll just keep a close on her.
Im not sure if yours will turn out the same as mine but the little chick I originally posted about turned out to be a very healthy and happy chicken. We named her "pidge" and although she is still a little smaller than the others, she eventually started growing. Surprisingly, she lays the biggest eggs and lays the most eggs, 1 a day. She's incredible! I really hope your little guy turns out well! (In the picture she is the one on the right)
I also have a silkie that won't grow. I swear it has to weigh only ounces! I bought four silkies four months ago. Two immediately became ill after I got them home. I tried treating with Corrid but they still died. The two surviving chicks drank the water treated with Corrid also. One of these two chicks is growing like it should. It's a nice big four month old. But my other chick is still very, very tiny! I bought another chick about two months ago and the new chick is already three times bigger than my four month old. I have no idea why or what's going on with her. I took this picture when she was about two months old. That was two months ago. She has not grown at all. She is still this same size at four months old. Why is she not growing? Is there anything I can do for her? I'm at a complete loss.
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