Silkie chicken with other small birds?


In the Brooder
Mar 11, 2017
Hello, I am looking to add a silkie chicken (or two) to my little family but I'm concerned about my green cheek conure. I've already read it's important where you get the chicken from to prevent spreading disease but I'm also concerned about fighting. My conure has full access to my home and doesn't have his wings clipped. I am in Canada so it can be very frigid in the winter, so my plan is to keep the chicken inside at night and all winter. How are their temperments toward other species on birds? Does anyone have experience with this? Thanks in advance for any advice :)
I have no idea how a Silkie would do with your bird. I know the silkie would lose in a battle. Chickens are flock animals and do better with a couple buddies. They like to cuddle up together at night. They don't fly but, can jump high when they feel like it. You might want to present your questions to the folks on the "Silkie thread," as well as the "caged bird" enthusiasts.

G’Day from down under sammlilyluke

This is a link to the Silkie thread:

Good luck!

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Hi, and welcome to BYC! In my limited experience with lovebirds, conures and chickens, I'm guessing your conure will have the advantage in that relationship. I had mine at different times so they were never together but chickens, and especially silkies, are pretty docile compared to the smaller birds. Also, chicken beaks are pretty harmless compared to parrot beaks. And my lovebird had my cat and large dog living in fear, it would have had no problem dealing with a chicken. As drumstick diva has said though, chickens are flock animals and would be much happier if you kept at least 2, preferably 3 to keep each other company.
Greetings and welcome to BYC. Great to have you aboard! Like some of others have said - I have no experience in the area you mentioned so I can't really advise. But I wish you well and thank you for joining BYC!

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