Silkie color genetics

Hmmmm, do you have the full quote?

Het. means one copy of a gene (unlike alleles). Hom. means two copies of the gene (identical alleles). Hemizygous means only one copy is available because there is ony a place for one copy (in birds this is the female).

Hypostatic means a gene whose expression is modified or suppressed by a different gene. For example, if a chicken has the genotype to be blue (Bl/bl+), but two copies of recessive white (c/c) are present, blue is hypopistatic to recessive white, and does not display. Conversely, recessive white is epistatic to the blue.

No idea about the trasnlucent...
Below is the question i was asked by someone when i had put some Silkies up for sale. Only thing i could come up with is genetics, which i have NO clue.

"Do you have any males that are translucents or hypos"?
I don't have off-colours in my blues except on one cross who is in my layer flock, not to mention also being my best broody (who else has a bird who will raise THREE clutches in a row, without a break, hatching only the first?, and will take any chick you give her and happily decide it's time to "mommy.")

I have a splash hen that is like that! Even when not broody she takes any chick I give her and raises it. Once she was raising a batch of chicks and they were about a week old at the time. I was tired of running the brooder on other set of chicks who were four week old--so I stuck them under her as well and she took them
She is a great gal, I hope she stays with me for a long time. :)
i was thinking of doing the same thing i love silkies and silver laced wyandottes i was thinking of breeding a silver laced rooster to a white silkie hen
My phone won't let me post alot at once, so bear with me please.
I breed buff silkies, and I just got three pullets for color variety - I don't intend to breed them now.
This one is a gray right? The extra coloring on her feathers is undesired, is there a color I could breed her with to help correct that in the offspring?

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