Silkie Drooling and wheezing - please help!!


10 Years
May 28, 2009
North Carolina
please help my little black silkie.. yesterday I thought she had twisted neck but now I am not so sure..

1) What type of bird , age and weight.
black silkie pullet, good weight (was eating up until I separated her) 4.5 to 5 months old
2) What is the behavior, exactly.
yesterday - walking in circle to her right with a drool wetting her chest feathers - bought in thought she looked like she had twisted neck, (her head was twisted around to the right side a pretty good ways) so I started vit E and poly-v-sol (she has had 3 doses) but today she is not eating, drinking, and is wheezing a little when you listen to her closely..
3) How long has the bird been exhibiting symptoms?
4) Are other birds exhibiting the same symptoms?
5) Is there any bleeding, injury, broken bones or other sign of trauma.
6) What happened, if anything that you know of, that may have caused the situation.
nothing that I know of you she eating and drink just fine the days before
7) What has the bird been eating and drinking, if at all.
nothing since I separated he - but she has water and chick feed for the higher protein levels
8) How does the poop look? Normal? Bloody? Runny? etc.
no pooping since I separated her
9) What has been the treatment you have administered so far?
answered above
10 ) What is your intent as far as treatment? For example, do you want to treat completely yourself, or do you need help in stabilizing the bird til you can get to a vet?
treat myself
12) Describe the housing/bedding in use
outside as normal she was on ground and little straw,, inside now on house bedding

what do you think could be wrong....
I am sorry your little silkie is sick

She may have wry neck. Link for full treatment here>

I hope she gets better.
The weezing may be if she got some of the polyvisol down the wrong tube.

Try and get her to eat some scrambled eggs. But make sure she is warm enough first.
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thanks tiki244 the wheezing could be from that - I did try to get her to drink some water also from a dropper - could of every while went down the wrong tube -- but now she is just laying around sleeping...

I can't get her to eat anything
I would keep her in separate cage and give her a shot of Tylan 50. Right along the breast bone approx. 2 cc. everyday for 5 days... Encourage her to eat with wet feed and cooked scrambled eggs mixed in. Sugar water or vitamin/electrolyte water to drink.

Observe other birds for similar behavior. Have you brought new birds in or had visitors who own chickens walk thru your property?

Hope it isn't Mereks. Good luck.
Is she warm enough? Put a ligt bulb in her place to make sure she is warm enough.

I have tried feeding them with dropper and is hard. I have learned the hard way to put ever so little at a time under their tongue or on tip of tongue at one time. And wait for them to swallow before giving them more. You can put a little scrambled egg in her mouth too a little at a time. If they dont eat they can go down fast. Just make sure she is warm enough because otherwise she wont be able to process the nurishment you give her.

So sorry you have to go through this.
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she is separated from the rest of the flock - no new birds or any visitors in the coop - I don't allow anyone but family around them.. All the other birds as of this morning are fine.

vitamin/electrolyte water to drink - doing that now
where can I get Tylan 50??
Oh crap!!! what should I do?? could she be wormy? just trying to think of everything - she is able to perch on my arm and will fuss when I mess with her..
I am not sure. I think I would try prednisone and to get her to eat and see if it helps. I dont think I would worm her when she is sick. Hopefully someone else will chime in too.

Prednisone is about $6 if you can get a vet to prescrbe it.

Maybe a little suger water too.
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