Silkie Feathered Ameraucanas adventure

Thread subscribed to! Can't wait for update pics! So far, it looks like they're going to carry their parents beautiful and interesting plumage! This is going to be very interesting!

When will you post new pics Kathy? And will you put them in here, or start a whole new thread? Ya better put them in here woman! Just how much time do you think I have to go searching through all of the daily postings of some 50 thousand members!!!????

Gawds but they are cute, ain't they?!?
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I thought I would take a picture each week, and just keep adding to this thread. My plan is to breed them with hard feathered Ameraucanas..... and then, go on from there.

Oooh! Goodie! This will be a lot easier to keep track of then. I really am interested in both how they turn out at maturity, and what the breeding results are! Do you think they'll be splashes too, like their parents?
Hopefully I will have some pics to add tomorrow! I have a pip! I put six eggs in the hatcher a few days ago. Two were well developed but didn't show any movement I could see with a brief candling, but I put them in there anyhow. FOUR showed some movement and one has Pipped!!! They were due the 11th, put in the bator later in the day when I added them, so they are really only about a half a day off from right on the button. I'm hoping that counts for something.... anyone here that is not typing anything is welcome to cross their fingers for me. I have been incubating these in an overcrowded still air hovabator, no turner, no fan, in an unheated drafty old house, and working nearly 60-70 hour week the last few weeks... it is a freaking MIRACLE that any have made it this far! So... do THIS for me, okay, please???
I'd love four, six would be too much to hope for.

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