Silkie Feathered Ameraucanas adventure

Way to go Upintheholler / broody / baby chicks!!!
Everyone who has these chicks - are you (or did you) experiencing pasty butt? It seems like mine didn't fully detach cleanly from the egg innards and it keeps getting poopy. The feathers on the stomach and underside aren't fluffing up like they should.

Also, am I correct in my counting of 8 chicks hatched outside of Julie's flock?
These are feathers from my Silkie pen.


This is from the Silkies old pen, but there are now other white chickens in there, so not sure who it is from.

This is a young Delaware feather, to compare to.

Then, here again, is one of my chicks ...
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Please don't take this the wrong way.....but when you spread their wings out like that and take a picture, it looks like they'll be facing a lifetime of "Bad Hair Days"!
But, my oh my! They're going to be some of the most snugly little chickies the world has ever seen!!! The kind of chicken you just wanna nuzzle your face right down in their neck and back feathers!
I can hardly wait to see what they look like fully fledged! Wish I could see (and cuddle) one in person someday!
I am down to one....
My second baby was half outta the shell and I had no idea that his "cord" was bleeding. When I went to check on him, he was stiff. Had bleed out. I feel horrible!!!
But I have one. And maybe two more to hatch next weekend. I will post pics of the one later.
Try hard boiling some eggs and peel them, grind them up in a food processor and mix your starter about half and half for a couple days then wean them off it by cutting the egg down and the starter up until all starter. I feel like some starter is just too high in protein for some new babies. I do this with every chick hatch, no pasting.
I just came across this thread after seeing Julie's original thread awhile ago. I am hoping that all of you can replicate what she has, and please put me on your egg lists!!!

There is someone else here who has silkied cochin's. Imagine having a flock of these and those???? A girl can dream, right???? That's my goal anyway!!! So please do let me know if and when any of you have eggs to sell! Thanks and GOOD LUCK!!!

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