Silkie Feathered Ameraucanas adventure


And here I've been wanting a broody hen thinking to take some of the worry out of hatching.
Come on little guy/girl!! You can do it!! Even if your chicken momma doesn't want ya, the rest of us do!!!!!
Keep us posted Germaine!! Inquiring minds (and nervous expectant chicken moms to be!) wanna know!!!
Thanks Julie! Somehow or another I WILL end up with some hairy birds! I would even rent a car and ... did I hear someone say ROAD TRIP!!! LOL I would drive out there and pick up some birds in person and drive back out here with them. I just want some is all. I REALLY REALLY WANT some...
Thanks everyone and Serrin you are funny! But right! I could not believe it when I candled and there was the internal pip. Here I was walking casually up the stairs just shaking my head over the egg thinking "hmmmm I wonder when it quit?"

So it is in the bator peeping but hasn't made any more progress pipping.
I opened up the end of the egg to see if it was dying (but only a little) So I may have to help this one out. I can see it in there and it is moving really well and I am hoping it will start zipping soon.

If it stops wiggling, then I am going to take it out and help. I KNOW I should have left it alone, but they all seem to die in the shell and I wanted it to get some oxygen. Ahhhh.

Anyway I don't know what to do about the broodie. When can I shift her to see what is going on? She did change positions and she is not in that weird zombie stage anymore. She is alert!

There are 4 eggs under her and other than hearing a peeping I can't see a thing. Any suggestions? Oh, and should I let her rear the chicks or do it myself.

I am worried that she will go crazy and kill them (I have heard of that before) I have some other chicks hatching today too so I could give her a few of those...?

Or will she do a better job?

Questions, questions questions!
Oh man, that is a tough call! Is this a new broody, or has she raised chicks before? If she is new, it is hard to know how she will do, I agree. Since these are such special chicks, I think I would be tempted to take them from her. Maybe switch them out and give her some other chicks ???? OH, I just don't know!
Oh Kathy, I know! She is a brand new momma, never been a broody before. She has done a fantastic job and went broody hard right off the bat.

But after kicking the good egg out this morning I have to wonder...?
I would brood them myself in this instance. Too rare, to hard to replace. You will know they are safe in your brooder inside. Letting her raise them... nah. Let her have some common chicks if you can pull a switcheroo and want her to have what she worked so hard for.

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