Silkie Feathered Ameraucanas adventure

Hey Girl!! How about an update???
Bad news... the one that had pipped and started zipping has died in the shell. I finished opening to see what was going on and like so many others he/she had not fully absorbed the yolk. The chick was huge and seemed to fill the whole shell. My DH thinks that they are just breed to tight and that is the source of the problems. I have one more that may make it... we will see. It is still alive in the shell. The third that was a possible has stopped rocking. So............ it has started out to be a bad day.
I agree. Had I known then what I know now, I'd help that baby out. They can always absorb a little bit of yolk later. Long as they don't bleed out, you might be okay to bust one loose. Seems for sure a loss if you don't may as well try.
Well, against my better judgment I have helped the last chick out of the shell, very slowly. It is weak but alive. It had not fully absorbed yolk. I left it on there as long as I could.. the chick had pretty much drawn the yolk in but the blood was still in the veins that go to the "stuff" in the bottom of the shell when they hatch. I freed him/her and stopped the bleeding. We will see in a the next few days how things go.
Oh Donna...I'm so sorry to hear that you've lost the one. But relieved to hear that you're managed to save the other.
Keeping everything crossed that the next few days will see a vast improvement in his/her condition!
And I know you're doing every thing you can to assure that happens!
Okay guys... lets talk silkie genetics for a few mins... if we out breed these babies to a reg feathered ameraucana the offspring of F1 will be normal feathered split to silkied? Then breed back to silkied parent and get 50% silkied??

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