Silkie Feathered Ameraucanas adventure

So if it's a roo you could breed to Blue Wheaten Ameraucana or visa-versa....

These are some exotic EEs at this point but I love it.

This thread could go on for YEARS!
OMG I love her hair bow! She's adorable! The chicks are cute too.

We just cleaned up from a cookie making marathon at Grandma's house ourselves. If only we could talk her into some chickens. The kids have been working on her for three years now.

How much longer on the wait to try the Silkie mating with Kathy's girls? I can never remember, 2 weeks or 4?

And I second the request for more pics! You can never have enough chick pics!
It's two more weeks to go for the silkie breeding match-up.

I'll post a chick count as soon as I get to work - I have my notes there.

And I'll go check my baby chicks for skin color in a in a little while.
Chick Count:

kathyinmo - 3 chicks
alicefelldown - 1 chick
upintheholler - 2 chicks
rustyswoman - 4 chicks

I hatched 4 on January 9th and 4 more on March 13th.
So if it's a roo you could breed to Blue Wheaten Ameraucana or visa-versa....

These are some exotic EEs at this point but I love it.

This thread could go on for YEARS!

We can always hope!

Soooo....18 of these nifty little critters so far! Do we have any kind of a break down of what the cockerel versus pullet count is at this point? Or is it just too early to tell on most of them yet? What are your suspicions of the eight that you have so far Jubaby? How many eggs for this line is still in the incubator at this point. Inquiring minds like to know these kinds of things you know!
Looks like you guys are doing a great job thus far. And I know I don't need to start preaching about good record keeping practices with this bunch, do I?
The four January chicks are - 1 roo, 3 pullets

The other four are only a few days old and too early to tell.

There are still 4 batches of eggs shipped and waiting to hear about hatches. One person's eggs should have hatched late last week, and I'm trying to contact them.

Is anyone else sure what gender they have yet?
I'm not really sure of the gender, but I think 2 roo and 1 pullet. I am going out to get pictures now.

ETA: No pictures today ... will go get fresh batteries and try again tomorrow.
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Week 2 of my single strange feather amera bird. No picture, but the soles of the feet are more pinkish than yellow or white. I'll try again tomorrow I suppose, as this chick does not photograph well.


The rest of the flock's 'birthday' pictures are here.
Love the updated "birthday" pics by the way, in your other thread. They're all looking so sweet and healthy!

In looking at the closeup pics of the little silkied Am, it got me to wondering....Do ya'll think that they'll be cold hardy? Our winters up here in Eastern Washington can be down right brutal. I'd love to eventually join the party on this new breed adventure, but not at the risk of the birds themselves. And I can't help but wonder if I would be putting any in harms way by bringing a few into my flock some day. Those of you fortunate enough to have them, what do you think? Cold hardy? Or are they going to be southern birds almost exclusively?

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