Silkie Feathered Ameraucanas adventure

No, I sure can't! I think I have two of each but that is only going by weight. Two have gained alot more and quicker. I wonder when we really will know, maybe when they start fighting roo style with the other birds...
The B/B/S Ams breeder emailed to say still looking good for Mar. 31st hatch.

I think we finally nailed the best fan/heat positioning for stable temps in the new bator. Just have to finish up the humidity and air system tomorrow. Run for a few days, then load it up and test it out.

And if that's not enough chicks for ya, despite being left out in the storm this last weekend, we've got heartbeats in at least 5 of the eight remaining eggs under our broody.

See what you all started.
I have noticed some darker skin on the bellies of my baby chicks, but when they are older, they have light skin all over. My 3 month old chicks definitely have light skin.

I hatched one more chick last Friday. I had six in the incubator, and the other five were fully developed but did not pip.

I was out of town, and my MIL handled the hatch for me, but since none pipped, I don't think it would have turned out differently if I was there. I have 6 more eggs due on Wednesday and 17 in the incubator due mid-April.

I have heard from the three more hatchers:

Lenster only had one chick hatch.
PhiladelphiaPhlock had zero hatch
HorseFeathersNV had zero hatch

All had some developed eggs which died, so the hatching is just not going well. Only one more person has eggs to hatch soon. I'm going to continue to hatch my own eggs and will possibly have pairs or trios for sale later. I'm hoping when we are able to start outcrossing the chickens to good quality ameraucanas, the hatch rates will improve.

The two silkie hens from Kathy are about to meet Ozzie this week, and hopefully we will have some fertilized eggs from him to do the silkie experiment soon.
I'm anxious to see the results of this experiment also! Tell Ozzie to be easy on the girls now! LOL

How are my sweet girls doing? Are they using their manners, and behaving themselves? They really are a couple sweeties!
YES, I got that email also!

Did you order from the same one in OK? Need a pickup?

My goodness it's late. I just started 29 and now I'm watching to make sure the turner can handle the strain. If it were grass growing, I'd have been bored over an hour ago.

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