Silkie Feathered Ameraucanas adventure

Great pictures, Donna! But I am also baffled. That is the first one that is not splash. Everyone of my chicks are colored exactly the same.

But I like the vanilla cream!
I'd say it's just the norm for oddities to be thrown from time to time. No way at present to figure their entire genetic make-up. It's then the breeder's choice to propagate or cull.

Once she grows up you'll have a better idea of what to cross her with if you want to try to propagate that same color and if necessary keep crossing her and/or the offspring back to each other. Could be my monitor settings, but so far she looks like what most of my chicks that eventually end up just being white start out as.
GAH I need to upload pictures! Mine was solid white at hatch, and has been growing black and grey/blue 'spots' (now on week 5). She (there's no comb or wattles to speak of
) is extremely timid and does not like being held. Screams bloody murder in fact. She's pretty anti-social with the other chicks, and seems to like the heat lamp and laying on warm sunny bricks (when the outside temps are in the high 70s) - I'm thinking of knitting her a little sweater!
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I have chicks ordered from Paul Smith. I thought I would have them by now, but there was a fertility problem, and now it will be another couple weeks before they arrive. Then, of course, I will have to wait for them to grow out! Yes, I did order black.
I think the BBS AMs hatch was a total bust, just waiting for confirmation. So probably another 3wks for mine. You'd almost swear it's a conspiracy.

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