Silkie Feathered Ameraucanas adventure

Today's the 2nd due date for our BBS chicks. Haven't heard anything yet, but hopefully better this go round and I can pick them up this weekend. I only ordered a dozen though. I've got a baker's dozen of black split lavs in the bator, but won't check on them until Monday.

If I don't have some BBS AM chicks running around here soon Kathy maybe you'd consider a hatching fee. That would save me the trip of hauling them all up for a sleepover later. You've got plenty of brooder space and heat lamps dontcha'?

for you Germaine. My eldest DD's a really good shot. Has her very own pink air rifle. Haven't had any predators since for her to take care of, so she'd be happy for some target practice. I'll send her out, you just have to keep her until she's out of college.

upintheholler, i don't remember, what was your thinking for your sweet cream for breeders? Wheaton, BW?

Setting up some new brooders myself, so I guess I should get back to work.
Why, yes I do!!!

BTW, I am hopeful about getting the 4 month olds this next weekend, as well as a couple older ones. I plan to send some to Julie, to get our project moving.
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If these don't pan out, I'll just start having them shipped straight to you.

The BBS AM breeder is halfway into OK and I thought about seeing if I couldn't maybe continue on & do a meet up with Julie when I go to get my order, but I think it may still be a bit too far for a day trip. IDK, but something to think about. I was planning to see if she didn't have any other hens or pullets she could part with while I was there too. Doubtful, but you never know.

Offer still stands to chip in on the pullets even if it's just transport, let me know.
I've decided I
porcelain. I got 2 porcelain D'Uccle hens yesterday from another BYCer.

BBS AMs were another bust, only got 4 and I think 3 are roos.
I got 2 more chicks from the POOPs gathering and will have to wait and see on possible sex. 5 possibly 6 of the black split lav eggs are developing.

I'm so tired, much to do today.
Interesting observation! I seperated the S/A's about two weeks ago and the two "ropey, stringy" ones are starting to sprout the soft feathers! I am not sure if they just arrived at an age where they were ready to feather out or if it may have been stress induced.

The one that is in a pen with only a few birds has feathered in more than the one that is in the coop with many birds. However both are feathering in with the nice soft feathers.
Can't wait to see what you get when you put those silkied roos over black Am. pullets.

two years and you'll have silkied BBS! ... and folks will want those eggs!

Guess I could use a blue roo to introduce the silkied gene into Blue Wheatens.... It will just take MUCH longer.
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Okay... This is gonna seem really out there... but, does anyone wanna buy my silkied amerauacana? I want to sell out my AMs. I have a nice lavender AM roo, a beautiful little blue pullet.. and a bunch of chicks, most are split lavs.
I have a splash silkied roo and cream is a wheaton? colored pullet. I can ship.
You are too far away from Phx for my liking. I've had juvies shipped from WA state and even that is a bit far.
I want $75 plus box and shipping for the roo...

and I want $50 for cream pullet plus box and shipping...

First come...
we are NPIP and avian influenza monitored.
I can ship out on Monday or Tues...

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