Silkie foamy white eye Update ***SICK GLWyandotte Today PLEASE HELP!!

so true! We lost our oldest dearest hen yesterday to polysistic ovarian disease and the day before we put her down I sat with her for about an hour while she had her favorite snack of meal worms - she use to sleep on my daughters lap in the sun on the deck! Little buggers creap right into your heart!
Glad to know that you would never take a sick bird into the woods and turn it loose. I would think doing so would be againest the law,at least I hope so
I had to edit my post as I had completely missed page two

Happy to know your birds are doing better
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How cruel can you be to just abandon a domesticated animal in the wild? Either keep it and treat it (if it can be saved) or put it out of it's misery! Don't leave it to suffer in the wild and die a painful death of starvation or being killed by another animal!



Hoping the treatment works

Good Luck with your girls keep us posted.
Sorry for the delayed update on my chickens but the holidays consumed all of my time. I hope you all had a fantastic holiday and that your chickens got as spoiled as mine did!

So here is the update on my chickens..... my last chicken came down with the same thing last Friday.... It was like the plague!! I think she was just getting lonely in the coop by herself
So I took her to the sick ward and immediately started treatment. My silkie had a slight reoccurrence of foam in his eye after 4ish days on medicine.... He seems fine now but that worried me a bit. My house guests paid tons of attention to the chickens and they were happy as can be! Now they have all returned to the coop and seem to be back to their normal selves. Crossing Fingers.... We have had nice warm days here lately in southern california (70s) so they are nice and warm outside during the day which is helping their recovery.

I want to thank all of you BYCers who jumped in to offer advice and guidance. I could not done this without all of your help and I would have been SO DEVASTATED if I lost my entire first flock!!!

Happy New Year! and may your New Year be filled with healthy chickens!!!
sager:)silkies :

i had that 2 forgot what it was called but its pretty suroius i couldn't kill the chicken so i put it in my back woods any time i see major sickness i get rid of them cause some u can tret but they are still carriers of the infection but I'm not an expert hopefully someone else can help cause I'm kind intrested what mine had

You put that poor SICK chicken out in the woods to fend for himself???!! That's cruel beyond words!! Why not just shoot him and at least make his death fast. Don't ever abandon a sick chicken in the WOODS! OMG that's cruel.​
I ordered Tylan50 online but it was taking so long to get here and my GLW was SO sick I had to take them to the vet..... Where I was prescribed baytril.... I was only given enough for my 2 birds so when the others took ill the Tylan had arrived and I gave them that. I also gave them vitamins, vetRx ... Well pretty much anything that I thought might help!
I was just curious as to what the vet gave you and thats what I figured. I think thats their favorite one. So the Tylan 50 is just as good as the Baytril. I was just curious if they would be equivilent to each other. Thanks. Glad all is well.
I honestly do not believe they are equivelent. There is a reason why one is RX only and the other is Over the counter.
For one I know that Baytril is stronger..... just saying.....have done the vet route and "do it yourself" route.


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