Silkie Gender?


5 Years
Sep 7, 2014
Tallahassee Fl
This is my Silkie chicken can any one tell me the gender? it is 1 month and two days old.
another question i have is are all Silkies bantams? because he/she is bigger than some of my Buff Orpingtons which are the same age and i assume that this is a low quality Silkie because it barely has any leg feathers and is practically clean legged?

It looks like a silkie mix, with what ???? With the bump on the forhead I would say roo. Your silkie is missing his head puff too.
Thank you for your replies
i purchased this bird from ACE hardware they were just labeled as "Silkies" i will probably not buy from them again because they always miss label their birds like the time i purchased a Well summer chicken but turned out to be a New-Hampshire red and they sell low quality birds even-though i don't plan on showing any of them.
i was wondering about the head puff as well i didnt know if it came in later or what?
so are all pure bred silkies bantam size?
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Every one that I have seen are small. My hen only weighs about 2-3 pounds. My roo probably 5 pounds. They are more fluff than bird.
I have two silkies about 8 weeks old. Any signs pointing one way or the other


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