Silkie Hen stopped eating & drinking

I have some good and promising news! Late yesterday I received a call from one of the vets that operated on Darcy. They had to open her up and go into her digestive system to retrieve the foreign objects. They did not cut the gizzard but accessed it from the incision. They were able to remove the objects and inspect the internal conditions. She also had a small Christmas tree bulb that had attached itself to the lining and would move back and forth from crop and gizzard. They had some excellent tools and were able to retrieve it from the crop. She made it through the surgery and was standing but still groggy late yesterday. Today she is starting to move around a little and has shown some interest in pecking at food. She is on antibiotics and will be for awhile. If she makes it through today and tonight with no major problems I will be able to pick her up tomorrow. I am very happy with today's report! The things we will do for a chicken! I suppose now I am a full fledge owner of a very expensive chicken, the real owner will not be getting her back. Thanks to everyone for your support in this emotional situation with Darcy. I have learned a lot about chickens in such a short amount of time, and still have a lot more to learn. (The inserted picture was taken in the Keys at sunset on the water. I was holding Darcy, she went everywhere with me down there.)
Thanks for the update...praying she will be home safe with you tomorrow...

That is the first chicken I have ever heard of with "internal Christmas decorations"...

Love the picture you posted...

I love Darcy....!!!!
Darcy is home at last! It seems like she has been gone a lot longer than the 3 days. She goes back to vet next Tues. for check up and stitch removal. You don't realize how much your chicken(s) mean to you until you feel they might not be around anymore.
I have had some very good advice about making a first aid kit for my chickens when I get them. By you being a vet tech can you add some items to have a complete kit. I have given injections before both IM and SubQ. Thank you for any suggestions.
Darcy has been home now for 3 days & is on 4 different meds. I am still tube feeding her at least 2X a day since the normal chicken food, bird seeds, frozen corn (cooked), lettuces, tomatoes..ect are pooped out whole. Her body is not breaking down the normal food. I see the whole seeds in her poop. I know she has been through a very serious operation on her digestive tract and thinking it may take some time for it to start breaking down the solid food. At least I am hoping this is the case. She goes back to the vet Monday morning for a follow-up and suture removal. Has anyone had a chicken that for some reason its body stopped breaking down and adsorbing whole food? And if so, if they survived - how long did it take for them to get back to normal?
picture of Darcy after she came home from surgery.
My example would be poor as my hen was 2.2 pounds when she stopped eating completely. I tube fed her for 3 weeks and she barely gained ounces. Her body deteriorated past the point of my intervention and she passed. But I've heard better success stories than mine where it was several weeks. So I guess beyond my poor example I would give her lots of time to get back on track. Hope everything goes alright at her next vet stop. :)
In searching for information I stumbled across this thread. What a story!! I had to laugh when I read that you couldn't afford a trip to the vet, then surgery...then you made a trip to the vet and she had surgery. :lol: You sound an awful lot like me. :p Glad all went well and I assume she now wears a grazing muzzle. :lol:
Great News!!' My vary expensive pet chicken
Darcy laid her first egg since being so sick and making it through her gizzard surgery! Her digestive tract is officially back to normal!

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