
Sep 21, 2020
Hi there,
So I have a beautiful silkie hen who is my main paint breeder. She has recently had a sneeze but I assumed it was because of the cold weather and it’s off and on temperature (warm cold warm cold). Today I noticed she has begun to get foamy/bubbly eyes and I immediately brought her inside and cleaned her up and got her nice and warm. She is being kept in a dog crate with a blanket and a blanket over the crate to keep her calm, with food and water. As of now I noticed swelling of her right eye along with the foamy bubbles and some hints of blood when I cleaned it off gently with a warm compress. Her right nostril also looks to be slightly inflamed and she has some bubbles coming from it, as well as a sneeze and some head shakes here and there. She is eating well but seems weary to take water though I am making sure she drinks. Once in awhile I with hear a cough and or slight gurgling like she is trying to get drainage out of her throat. Poop is also normal and I will be cleaning the coop throughly to ensure the other birds have a lessened chance of getting sick if it’s contagious. Does anyone have any idea what this might be or how I can assist to treat her? The closest poultry vet is two hours away. Thank you!
Today I noticed she has begun to get foamy/bubbly eyes and I immediately brought her inside and cleaned her up and got her nice and warm.
As of now I noticed swelling of her right eye along with the foamy bubbles and some hints of blood when I cleaned it off gently with a warm compress. Her right nostril also looks to be slightly inflamed and she has some bubbles coming from it, as well as a sneeze and some head shakes here and there.
Once in awhile I with hear a cough and or slight gurgling like she is trying to get drainage out of her throat.
How old is she?
Can you please post some photos of her and her eyes?

Sounds like she's suffering from Respiratory Disease. Mycoplasma, Infectious Coryza, Infectious Bronchitis and ILT are a few respiratory diseases that chickens can have.

Keeping the mucous cleared away and the eyes flushed with saline may help. You can try using an antibiotic to help treat symptoms. Do keep in mind, respiratory diseases make birds carriers of the disease even when they get better. Certain disease like Mycoplasma can also be passed to the embryo of hatching eggs. These disease also affect egg quality, production, reproduction and sometimes egg hatchability as well.

For disease like Mycoplasma, you can use an antibiotic like Tylosin, Tiamulin or one of the "Cyclines". Infectious Coryza generally requires a sulfa drug. ILT and IB are viruses but some people administer antibiotics to help with secondary infection, so Tylosin or a "cycline" can help with those.

Consider getting testing, especially if you are breeding/selling/showing birds - you surely wouldn't want to spread illness to potential buyers or to the rest of your flock.

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