Silkie - Is this a normal comb or some kind of disease???


In the Brooder
10 Years
Feb 23, 2009
Coeur d'Alene Idaho
My daughter got a Silkie Roo for her birthday...and, well, is that thing on his beak a comb??? Is it normal - or some kind of DISEASE???

Whew! Thanks for the peace of mind

He really is a doll...but, well...that will take some getting used to

We've never had them - and never seen them. Quite a shock!
Some of them can get fairly big. The one above is larger than called for in the standard, but he looks like a great pet!
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The first comb is actually pretty decent, except for the spikes at the top. I know some breeders prefer smaller combs, but that one is fine, and larger combs do seem to match with greater virility in the boys.

The two combs in the later pics are way, Way, WAY too big (and large combs don't bother me--at least usually)

The last comb is actually very nicely shaped and a wonderful colour, just TOO BIG.

The middle comb is terrible!!! Give me a single comb ANY DAY rather than that.
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