Silkie losing crest feathers for no apparent reason. Show in october and my silkie is bald! Help!

She could have had them pecked out and they haven't grown back or she could be in a molt. It's best to give her lots of protein such as yogurt and oats to improve her feathers and maybe they'll grow back :)
She could have had them pecked out and they haven't grown back or she could be in a molt. It's best to give her lots of protein such as yogurt and oats to improve her feathers and maybe they'll grow back :)
But she hasn't been with any other chickens to have them pecked out.

And could a molt really last for a month and be confined strictly to the head? I mean nothing else but her head has been affected. I would hope this is just some kind of molt but to me it doesn't seam that possible.

Shes on poultry conditioner. Actually sense she lost the first patch. That wouldn't be causing this, its just natural things.

Does any one know if putting vasaline on her head could help the dry skin and maybe induce growing?
But she hasn't been with any other chickens to have them pecked out.

And could a molt really last for a month and be confined strictly to the head? I mean nothing else but her head has been affected. I would hope this is just some kind of molt but to me it doesn't seam that possible.

Shes on poultry conditioner. Actually sense she lost the first patch. That wouldn't be causing this, its just natural things.

Does any one know if putting vasaline on her head could help the dry skin and maybe induce growing?

Just saying I had a chicken that got her feathers pecked out and they NEVER GREW BACK She is 3 years old now.
I also have seen chicken who have had their feathers pecked out and they never grew out. HOWEVER, this chicken has NOT been with other chickens. I have never seen anything like this. If you have a vet who also specialized in birds you might want to take her there and see what he says. Sorry I couldn't be of any help. Hopefully she will be healthy in every other way and have a happy life. Please keep me updated. I would love to know what has caused this.
Ok this much i know. Either they are falling out. Or being rubbed or scrtached off on something. I guess i will have to bring her back in the house and put her under observation to see if she has any scratching or rubbing behavior.
I cant see any while i set outside but i guess shes going to have to live with me lol.

And no there isnt a vet willing to see a bird for over 400 miles :/ So im left to my own devices and BYC for help
Ok so what ive come up with is that she has likely contracted de-pluming mites.

How do i make sure ive gotten rid of these. She looks to be getting better but then got worse now better again but theres very little improvement so i want to iraticate these things.

I use frontline plus on her once every 1-2 months depending on season. Ive only had her a short while though. Just 3 months

I know some people use ivermectin pour on but how often? How long?

My next question is are her feathers going to grow back with her molt? She broke some off at skin level and some one told me they will never ever grow back. But wouldnt it be most logical for the stub to expire and a new feather take it place during molt?
Well I've figured it out on my own. I treated her with 10cc of ivermectin pour on every 3 days for two weeks and one treatment of front line.

I can say this has cured her I guess as her feathers are all growing back where they were scratched off/ripped out. She now has a nearly full head of feathers just waiting for them to grow out and fluff up for winter.

:D I'm glad my hen has her hair back!
Well I've figured it out on my own. I treated her with 10cc of ivermectin pour on every 3 days for two weeks and one treatment of front line.

I can say this has cured her I guess as her feathers are all growing back where they were scratched off/ripped out. She now has a nearly full head of feathers just waiting for them to grow out and fluff up for winter.

I'm glad my hen has her hair back!

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