Silkie Mike Introduction

Silkie Mike

In the Brooder
Sep 21, 2023
Hi Everybody, I am Mike from Enon Valley, Pa.
I had chickens growing up, but I would say I am "new" to it, since my dad raised the chickens when I was younger.
I just bought 6 Silkies at Tractor Supply for my two daughters, last week.
One had pasty butt and that was taken care of with some vetRX and TLC, but now I think it has a developmental disorder ... I think its growth may have been stunted, and it seems mentally slow. But other than that it seems fine.
Definitely new to silkies! So floofy and floffy!
I think its growth may have been stunted, and it seems mentally slow. But other than that it seems fine.
Hiya, Mike, and welcome to BYC!! :frow

I raise silkies, and you're describing half of them. ☺️

Just quickly, some things I do: They can tend to get vitamin deficient easily, so from the start, I keep them on their grower/starter feed until they are laying eggs (about 8 months later). For the younger ones, once a week or so, I give them Nutra Drench or Poultry Cell in their water. For the older, they get a bit of Rooster Booster granules sprinkled in their feed. They are also the ones most prone to wry neck, but they already get extra black oil sunflower seed from free-ranging under wild bird feeders. Those are very high in Selenium and Vit E, which are cures/prevention for wry neck.

If you need any other tips, there is a lot of information on here that can help you, or you can post your question in one of the forums to get answers. I don't mind being messaged either if you'd rather.

Good luck, and again, welcome!
Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow

Nice introduction!! Silkies are such a fun breed, adorable and fuzzy. ❤ @Debbie292d has given you some excellent advice, definitely follow!

Good luck with your flock!
Thank you so much, but in all fairness, much of my knowledge over the years comes from BYC. ❤️

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