Silkie not doing anything!


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jun 8, 2014
Yesterday, I purchased a gorgeous 5 month old blue silkie from a breeder. She seemed responsible, and all her chickens were very lively. She was obviously passionate about the subject. I bring the chicken home, and it just... stands. All day long. No walking, unless necessary, and only eating when I put her in front of the feeder. This is obviously not normal chicken behavior. Any idea on what it could be, and how to treat it?

EDIT: She also yawns a lot, if that contributes anything.
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Was she bonded or used to other birds and do you only have her?

I only have a coop so far but they are social birds which I have experience with and they can become "depressed" and bored without other birds or a human they've bonded with.

Maybe try playing a YouTube video or just audio of silkies clucking and see if she perks up - it's not definitive because some birds don't react to digital video and audio just like other animals but it might give you an idea what's wrong if she reacts to it.

You could also try calling the breeder, she may have some ideas about it :)

Is she on the earth able to naturally forage around? She might not be stimulated enough... Could you get her some crickets and see if them running around gets her going? :)

I hope she feels better soon!!

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