Silkie/Showgirl/Polish Frizzle Eggs (polkie mixes possible) Incl Paints (listing ended)

How cute! Yes, your first one is definitely a polish, possibly polish/silkie cross or Polkie as I like to call them. :)

Have any more hatched out yet? I hope you're seeing spots soon!

Thanks for sharing pics!
one more polish or polish mix just hatched.. well if you call it that..It was pipped and stuck since 9pm last night. i helped it out. it was in the strangest position. head upside down under a wing.. no way it could turn to zip! its alive and sleeping! he/she had a rough start to life.. 4 more pipping now
Aww poor little thing. Good thing you helped her out! Just make sure that humidity stays up...

4 pips, that's exciting. How many are left in lockdown?
for all the rest!
another hatching now.. lots of white in this egg
I now know why that 3rd chick had such a problem hatching.. ive been watching him and he has never seemed to dry at all and he seemed to be struggling. I pulled him out and he was covered in a dry glue.. some reading shows maybe me humidity was too high..A warm cleaning and the little one seems to be doing better.he hatched just after #1 and #2 raced to hatch.. humidity shot up FAST.. this is such a learning process
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You got a fancy paint!! :)

That is a very large black spot for a tiny chick, it's going to be gorgeous! Congrats, I'm a little jealous... lol
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red paint.. maybe

I can't tell when it's still wet, but when it's dry repost pictures. I'd love to see a picture of that other paint all fluffed up too! The white one, when it dries, look it over closely and you will probably find little black "hairs" which will turn into distinct spots later.

As far as the spraddle leg, search BYC for many good tips. I used a bandaid cut in half when I had a chick like that, to tape the legs together (not all the way, but the distance they would be apart if walking) And after the chick was dry and trying to be active I helped it learn to stand. After a day or two, it was all over the place. Havent' had an issue with any other chicks but there are a lot of different ways to do it. I've heard of people using a tea cup or something too.... I will tell you the sooner you take action the better the results.

Something quick I noticed in this last picture that is a little alarming... I see the baby has a little goop trailing behind it on the bottom of the incubator. That screen is extremely rough and has actually pulled out babies umbilical cord and intestines or caused injuries that made them bleed. There is rubber shelf liner you should put over that. If that baby still has some of that stuck to the wire and attached to it, please give it a little help getting free so it doesn't pull on the chick's umbilical area.

Good luck! You should post a pic of the full group after the hatch. I'd love to see them all. I enjoy this almost as much as hatching them myself! :)

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