Silkie/Showgirls well we crow or lay an egg?

Based on the photos, I think both are pullets. However, see if you can get someone to take a picture of GaGa's head while you hold the crest back to expose the comb. The comb will give a better idea.
With showgirls sexing is difficult. I will keep my fingers crossed.
SG's are always so hard to sex I didn't know if mine was a roo or hen till he crowed. For now from the pictures I am going to say both are pullets give the SG another month to two months they change quickly.

Yes, I'd like to see the comb as well. The backside of the crest is growing longer it boys usually do this...girls stay round and tight with the crest. Show us the comb so we can take a look.

Silkies, Showgirls...and 2 mixed EE named "the stinky girls"
Me too! How great is that. Thank you so much! I just love them all. I am going to Judy's tomorrow to pick her out a boyfriend! Yay
I hope everyone is well at your place! I am considering showing Edward on the 19th of Febuary. But that will depend on the weather in GA. I will let you know if I do and our results.
Thanks Jen!

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