Silkie skin problem


In the Brooder
Feb 15, 2022
Hi all,
I am desperately after some advice for one of my Silkie girls, Blondie.
Her skin has all of a sudden gone crusty all over her face neck, wings, (underneath and on top) and her chest. Her feet seem to be slowly swelling. She has also developed diarrhoea and is messy behind. Her appetite is great and her energy normal. She is grosely underweight but has always been so, she never flourished like jer susters and she does hide in the coop a lot. She is wormed regularly and has been treated for mites. She free ranges with all my other birds. She is about 1 and a half years old and has never laid.
Do you think this is Fowl pox? I am so new to this and I am at a loss how to help her. I have bantam that seems to have the same crusting on her legs. I treated her for scaly mite.
Can this infect the entire bird? Sorry so many questions.
Thanks in advance
I have attached pics.
Thanks in advance for any advice


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Where on the silkie is the first picture of skin? What is your general location, and do you have mosquitoes out now? Was she vaccinated for Mareks disease? The face looks like she may have scaly face mites, but it also could be fungus. Scaly face mites are treated with vaseline to smother the mites, and ivermectin can also be used.
Where on the silkie is the first picture of skin? What is your general location, and do you have mosquitoes out now? Was she vaccinated for Mareks disease? The face looks like she may have scaly face mites, but it also could be fungus. Scaly face mites are treated with vaseline to smother the mites, and ivermectin can also be used.
Thankyou for responding.
The photo is of her chest to the side a little but her skin is like this all over her entire chest and neck and wings, she feels hard like she is turning to stone. The scale pr scab looks the same but just thicker on the body. I can see it is dry and starting to split or lift in places with a little blood underneath. I am in northern NSW and we do have a lot of mosquito's and midgies at the moment as have had a lot of wet weather. She also has been sleeping on the coop floor. Not vaccinated against Mereks. I have another hen, a wyndotte bantam that went slow oneday then blind and sneezing the next with regular head turning like seizures, not sure if related as they have no similar symptoms at all. Both are now in individual cages away from the rest of the flock who all appear quite healthy except two hens that sneeze a lot and nothing has ever gotten rid of the sneezing. Apart from the sneezing they are fine.
It sounds like she has some type of skin condition. I am not a vet, but one might be helpful to try and find out if this the skin type of Mareks, or something else is causing her skin eruptions. The other hen might have had symptoms of Mareks with wry neck and blindness. Have you found any evidence of lice or mites? What type of diet is she on? Could their be a vitamin or mineral deficiency?
First thing that came to mind was a mite infestation. Could mites be treated with ivermectin??
I can see no mite or any patasites. They were also treated about 2 weeks ago as 2 broody silkies that were nesting on the floor of the coop had mites. So i treated everyone and and the coop. This seems to have come on rapidly. I only found this yesterday and have had a real close look over her. Nothing on the feather shaft just the skin
It sounds like she has some type of skin condition. I am not a vet, but one might be helpful to try and find out if this the skin type of Mareks, or something else is causing her skin eruptions. The other hen might have had symptoms of Mareks with wry neck and blindness. Have you found any evidence of lice or mites? What type of diet is she on? Could their be a vitamin or mineral deficiency?
I think yes that my bantam is showing signs of Mereks 😔
Im not sure as to deficiencies and they are on a chicken chow from the local stock feed supplier and it is good quality. They also free range and get lots of fresh food scraps and protein. What kind of deficiency would cause this. Ahe has never been 100%. Her feet also swem to be getting lumpier or bloated in a way, very slightly swelling. Could the skin be fungal from sleeping on the coop floor. It has been damp and Ive tried replacing it often. I have a one legged hen who sleeps on the floor also but she is in pristine condition. Im so confused to have 2 aick at the same time with totally diffetent symptoms. I feeling like there is not much i can do for the bantam, her name is Dotty. She is a mum for the 1st time, her chicks are old enough and have left her side. Do you think this has run her down and the Mereks has finally surfaced?
Does Mereks cause akin like the silkie, Blondie, has?
What have you used to treat the mites?
Can you get photos of all of her and her legs too?

I agree, it could be Cutaneous form of Marek's, but hard to know unless you lose her and have testing.
I would try treating with Ivermectin.

I would also consider apply an anti-fungal cream to a couple of the skin scabs on the body and on her face to see if that makes a difference too.
What have you used to treat the mites?
Can you get photos of all of her and her legs too?

I agree, it could be Cutaneous form of Marek's, but hard to know unless you lose her and have testing.
I would try treating with Ivermectin.

I would also consider apply an anti-fungal cream to a couple of the skin scabs on the body and on her face to see if that makes a difference too.
Thankyou for your interest.
I habe treated with Maldison 50 but as a spray on and after reading some other posts this would not have gotten onto the skin.
Do you think I should spray directly onto the skin and wipe onto the face? It really looks like pics I've seen of scaly mite..
She has heaps of energy and is very strategic about trying to get out of the cage. It is only the skin that is an issue.
I have attached a photo of her feet, neck and under her wing. They seem to be heaps of small round scabs that are dry and joined together. 20220216_171553.jpg
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