Silkie Thread! Talk about your Silkies and post pics of your Silkies

. I have four white Silkie Bantam's, one of which has no puff on her head! She is bald! Has anyone come across this before? Does anyone know if she'll ever get her puff? She'll never be a show girl but I love her nonetheless.
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I have bred my porcelain rooster and my grey sizzle hen. I was so excited to see what colors I would get.
So far I have one sizzle for sure and it is super light color. It is only 5 days old. Two others too early to tell but...
I have this one that is so beautiful! I think it would be called partridge... it has a vaulted skull...
what color do you think it is?
I've named it Bob since it looks like a bobwhite. :)
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I have bred my porcelain rooster and my grey sizzle hen. I was so excited to see what colors I would get. So far I have one sizzle for sure and it is super light color. It is only 5 days old. Two others too early to tell but... I have this one that is so beautiful! I think it would be called partridge... it has a vaulted skull... what color do you think it is? I've named it Bob since it looks like a bobwhite. :)
So adorable!!!!
[COLOR=333333]I got a jar of meal worms yesterday,thinking I could start training my babies to come to me when I walk in the pen, they are almost 8 weeks old now. OMG they love those things!! Had them eating out of my hands in less than a minute.....Something I noticed.......I have 4 Sizzles and 2 Silkies....all the Sizzles peck with deadly accuracy while the two Silkies miss the worm most of the time....are my Silkies near sighted !!?....their view dosn't seem to be obstructed by feathers...[/COLOR]

I have 4 Silkies and one of them eats with a hit or a miss. I have to separate her from the others when I feed them treats or she ends up with very little or none at all. I was wondering the same question as you had, is my Silkie near sighted? I am going to research for the answer.
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I have 7 babies that have now turned into young ladies they are about 5 months old now. My breads vary but I have 4 silkies, 2 black non-beared and 2 white bearded. I had a hard time getting them to roost all but 2 (1 silkie and 1 very small frizzle) are now and plans for a new roost design is in the makes asap but I was wondering if maybe you all could help.

My Frizzle who is not roosting is still in the top 4 and most will follow her around the yard she is a natural leader and remains so but is so small and cannot fly so I have built her a ladder to get up, however the silkie I speak of is Snow she is beautiful and sweet but she has some MESSED up feet! Not even a pedi can help my girl. She has one toe bent the wrong way so it points into her main part of her foot and I have to keep close watch and trim her nails so the sharp point doesn't puncture her foot. I am really
not sure how she will ever roost with her toe that way. I can't have her on the floor by herself alone and cold!

Please any advise welcome

My plan is to redo my roost into 2 x 4 (it is a 1x2 right now) wide part on top along the length of my coop about 2 foot high a ladder and 2 2x4 under it for a pop boards. I have a ladder now but I think it is too steep even with my nailed on gripers, I will try again tomorrow. My main concern is having one poor girl who cannot roost because of her foot on the floor by herself very cold or leave 2 down there to keep each other warm until I rebuild the roosts.

Do you think my thoughts are correct about her foot and roosting and making a larger flatter roost board will make her able to roost, she does jump and stand on tall stumps we have in the run.

Thank you in advance for any help!
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Anybody interested in selling some silkie hatching eggs?
I had 1 roo and 3 hens planning on hatching some babies but...the stupid neighbors dog ate 1 hen and despite the heat lamps my roo and another hen froze.
then there was one.

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