Silkie unable to stand for a week.. PLS HELP!

You can use Polyvisol vitamins meant for babies at the pharmacy.

If she got whapped in the head by something her neurological issues would be much different. I have had two such cases, one involved a rooster and another one a hen (both silkies) and they develop a rather exaggerated "tick" The rooster :ticked" his head off to the side uncontrollably, that was months ago. I had a hen I brought back from a show and she must have gotten ito a fight as she had her neck twisted back and was ticking her head off to the side and can tell when its neurological. Both birds recoved fine with vitamins and quiet time.

When I say tick, I mean like parkinsons ticks, or twitches.

Check for lice and mites and maybe treat for coccidiosis just in case. It does not sound good though. A vets visit would probably run you at least $100 and most vets are not knowledgeable about chickens. I spent over $200 a piece on three birds with issues and ended up putting all three down in the long run, its not really a great answer though. I had one with a sinus infection that died in recovery from surgery, another with bad bumblefoot (2 months of treatment) had her put down there, and had a rooster with a broken wing eventually get neurological issues and died.

The one thing about silkies is this, sometimes, a aprticular bird will not like being isolated and would rather die than be alone. I have had this happen a few times as well, so if you can keep one companion with her, do so.
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I have silkies, and spent lots of $$ at the vet with recent problems my flock has had. First I would dust your flock for mites. I had a rooster that died of severe anemia that was caused by "nocturnal mites" (I never saw a mite) per the vet. Then I suggest that you immediately treat for coccidia. One of my hens that died had coccidia, per the necropsy results. She never had symptoms, but two of my other hens did. One had symptoms as you describe, she eventually went blind and could no longer walk. I had the vet put her down. At this point I found out about the coccidia, and treated the last sick silkie hen for that, and she got much better. It seems to have taken a lot out of her, but I think she is going to live. I keep a close eye on her. I am treating my whole flock for coccidia now since it can cause death without symptoms. BTW, my hens were 2 yrs old and had been healthy. Then all hell broke loose. Good luck, hope your hen gets well soon.
Thanks all for your replies...
I thought I'd let you know the status of "Cupcake" the Silkie (She's my daughters hen)
I removed her from the coop and brought her into the house... She had a warm bath and then dried off by a warm fire. I tried to feed and water her but she refused to eat so I let her sleep for a few hours. I fed her a scrambled egg and some water before bed. She loved the scrambled egg. Today I helped her walk around the kitchen (she can now walk if I hold her from tipping over, its like she is unbalanced...) and she pooped on the floor... I wasnt even irritated because it was a perfect, healthy poop. She will stand as long as I let her even after her legs start to shake... (after not walking for almost a week, her legs are week) She seems stronger today and even made some clucking noises! I hope she is on the mend... I will try the baby vitamins, Smoky73.... and Jarsheart I havent seen any mites... I know that doesnt mean they arent there but I will probably wait until tonight or tom to dust her... I hope she's not too lonely in the house...
I wonder if I should put her in the coop during the day? I'm just worried she's contagious... although everyone else seems to be healthy... (especially that darn crowing rooster
He just never stops )
I would not put her back in the pen if you have a rooster. He will try to take advantage of her and mate her, and in her weakend condition, he could do more damage to her. Also, seeing she has been removed, the hens could pick on her as well. She does not need any additional trauma until she is stronger.
Smoky73 - good advice! I never really thought about the other hens harassing her.... (the rooster I was going to put in chicken apartment aka the kids playhouse with a fence surrounding it's front yard) If its sunny again tomorrown I'll set "Cupcake" the silkie in the apartment during the day..
SmartyChick - while she is a long way from better she has improved and even flew out of my hands today... (didnt see that coming... she had a bit of a crash landing on the lawn) she has started to cluck and coo again and even stood for a while in her indoor box before she settled down... her legs are no longer out sideways when she lays down and she kinda scooches around her box. Her appetite is way up but still wont drink much... I keep hoping and praying she'll get better
Hope your silkie is feeling better soon too... PS Cupcake started to really pick up after I brought her in and fed her a scrambled egg...
Wow, must be a bad week for silkies.. My little hen can't stand.
It sounds just like yours. No injuries that I can see. She is eating and drinking, if I bring the food to her. No runny nose, no other issues. If I set her down, she just lays down. When holding her, she can kick her legs and move her wings. We checked for a egg bound, broken bones, bugs etc... we just don't know what is wrong. We have her on the garage, in a box with food and water.

She is the prettiest, friendliest chicken ever.
Just the sweetest chicken I ever met.

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