Silkie with conjuctivitis, help please!!


In the Brooder
7 Years
Nov 9, 2012
Orange, CA
Hello friends, I'll try to summarize this challenging experience. Two shipped pullets got lost in the mail, finally arrived days late, one dead and one in critical care end stage dehydration. That was 11/15. It's been 24/7 care with feedings, vitamins, you name it. She had worms, mites, appeared to be runting syndrome, malnutrition, fever, and conjuctivitis, crusted over eyes, and convulsing. At 4mos this little baby weighed 200 grams.

Fast forward to today, I've got her up to 278 grams, finally eating and drinking on her own, still heavy vitamin therapy. Took a detour on the road to recovery with a terrible convulsing, summersolting wry neck last week, which I am slowly making headway on. But the conjuctivitis I just can't shake. I think she may be partially blind in one eye, it has continued to be heavily swollen. The other has shown improvement. No more crusty eyelids, swelling has reduced.

There have been no respiratory issues amazingly, so I'm sure it must be a bacterial infection from the inner ear possibly that has caused the wry neck. (The mites came streaming out of her ears when I had her at 90 degrees for a week to combat hypothermia.) needless to say, I've pulled out all my tricks on the little girl.

I have not wanted to use sulfa drugs as they weaken the immune system, and she has been in such a delicate health space I did not want to jeopardize my progress. Droppings have finally started to look normal but do relapse to diarrhea after vitamin treatments. I have a variety of commercial drugs in my chicken medicine cabinet but again have not used them due to her fragile state. Should I at this point? I've heard of aloe Vera for avian conjuctivitis but not sure that would help. She's been a good sport about turmeric and garlic, to help fight bacteria and inflammation and it seems to be working.

Anyone had a similar experience or recommendation?
You could also have the UC Davis Lab in San Bernadino do a culture/ sensitivity test, that would tell you what bacteria you're dealing with.

Thanks Kathy, I was debating on starting baytril as its not as strong as sulfas. I was also considering taking a fecal sample to CAHFS in San Bernadino after the holiday weekend if things don't improve. I appreciate your feedback. I may start the baytril in 48 hours if I don't see improvement, at least she has gained weight. But whatever bacterial virus she has is really putting up a fight.
Thanks for the article. I guess I'm concerned with overall immunity stressors in sulfas vs baytril and good bacteria death. Either way she has been on buttermilk and has colloidal silver in the water. I will see how tomorrow goes and base my decision on her eyes in the morning. Really trying to avoid commercial antibiotics if I can but sometimes it seems you need them.

Here is one of my favorite links on poultry meds if your interested, just for reference.
If I were in your shoes I would try the Baytril.
If it's gonna work you should see some improvement in 24 hours or less.


Edited to add:
I like the poultry pedia link you posted, but beware, it's not perfect, and one should always double check doses before dosing their bird from website like that or even here on BYC.

These links have lots of dosing info to double check against:

Baytril info

The whole section:

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Wow thank you for the detailed information on Baytril!! I'm only going to do one drop on a piece of grape for dosage and have her take it orally. But on a brighter note I started the aloe vera eye technique yesterday, I have some growing. And there is improvement this morning! The swelling is down, and the eyelid looks more deflated, shriveled a bit I should say. And it's open a little. I am so happy for that, it took a long time to get it open in the first place and to see it swell shut again was frustrating to say the least.
Hopefully this thread can also provide valuable information to others. I will keep you posted on her recovery.

This was her Nov 15

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